
Could I be held responsible if someone drives drunk from a private event I bartend?

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I have been asked to bartend a wedding that is being held in someone's back yard, and would be paid to do so. Obviously, I won't allow underage drinking, but could I be held responsible if someone drives home drunk from the event? The beer/wine is free, with no money exchanging hands. I am merely serving it. Could I go to jail if someone drives home drunk and causes an accident?




  1. The answer will vary depending on your state.  However, in some states, yes... you could be held responsible if something should happen.  Maybe just you, maybe you and the homeowner, and/or wedding party.

    In reality, in this day & age of lawsuits, there's a good chance you'd be named in a lawsuit, because people like to drag in everybody they possibly can.

  2. Yes you can. It's called the dram law.

    You are supposed to stop serving anyone who appears to be intoxicated. No matter what level of intoxication.

  3. Hmm...this is a tough one.  There are certain laws in certain stays specifically saying what the laws are in this situation.  I know that there are laws in some states that say if you serve someone who is drunk then you can be held responsible if they get in an accident or such.

  4. haha no as long as they were 21 you are fine.that is the drinkers responsability and stupidity.woo 2 big words in 1 sentance.

  5. I doubt it, u were only doing the job ur hired to do...drinking is the drinkers responsability

  6. In this day and age, it is not only possible to be held responsible, in many states, you will be held responsible.  If someone were to leave the party with what is determined to be above the minimum level allowed for driving and is involved in an accident causing injury or death, you can bet someone will be a knocking on your door, and it will not be opportunity.

  7. No, it's not your responsibility to babysit, everyone is an adult and can make their own decisions. You're not a police officer, you can't give DUI tests, or are qualified to tell if someone is legally drunk enough to drive. But of course you can always tell if someone is totally smashed and although it's not required by law to stop that person you should.

  8. Maybe you could ask the person you're bartending for, if you could have a big fishbowl behind the bar. Every driver must deposit his/her keys into the fishbowl. When they're ready to leave, the driver must be able to fish out his/her keys within a certain amount of time. If they fail to retrieve their keys, they must call a cab and come back the next day to retrieve their car.

    If the people drinking have designated drivers (and no one generally does at a wedding reception), then the driver will be able to retrieve the keys without any problem. They can then take their drunk friends/partners home and all is well.

    Be prepared for a confrontation with this though. Drunk people don't like to be told "no" on anything. "What do you mean I can't have my kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkeyzzz? I'm fit asafiddllllllle"

    "Uh... no you're not. You're too drunk to drive. I'll call you a cab."

    Good luck, and God Bless.

  9. in an extreme case maybe, but i would guess only your employer, the homeowners in this case, would be liable.  

    its messed up either way though, our legal system doesn't make people responsible for their own actions...

  10. if they are underage the people throwing party should beheld responsible not bartender

  11. yes, you could. you should talk to the person you are bartending for about this. with thier permission, you could say i have been ordered not to give anymore beer/wine to you. (if the person has been going up there alot, and seems drunk.)  

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