
Could I be lactose intolerant?

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I seem to have a problem whenever I drink milk. Most of the time I can't stand to drink it. It always makes me feel sick. However, I am ok with it when I eat cereal or cookies. But mixing it with other foods that have a lot of milk in them or drinking it by itself makes me nauseous. I know I'm not getting enough calcium because of this problem. I just can't stand to drink it! Do you think that I may be lactose intolerant? I have looked it up on but some of the symptoms don't fit me. Let me know what you think or if you have experienced the same problems.




  1. im lactose intolerant and it kinda sounds like u are too. But i ususally get diareeha not and feel sick

    drink 'lactaid milk'

    its good stuff.


  2. Sounds more like you just do not care for milk. Try other dairy products such as cheese and yogurt. You can take a daily calcium supplement as well.  

  3. Quite possibly.  As I've gotten older, drinking more than about a half of a glass of milk has started to upset my stomach.  I'm fine with cheeses and yogurts though.  At least some level of lactose intolerance is actually very common.

    Quoting from wikipedia:

    "It is estimated that 75% of adults show some decrease in lactase activity during adulthood worldwide. The frequency of decreased lactase activity ranges from nearly 5% in northern Europe to more than 90% in some Asian and African countries."

    Drinking milk is still safe, and it won't kill you.  It will probably just give you a stomach ache if you drink too much.  As for getting calcium, some foods other than milk/yogurt/cheese have a high amount of calcium, including broccoli and soy milk.

  4. You're probably ok with it while eating cereal and cookies because you're not drinking it by itself.  If you're low in calcium and milk makes you nauseous, try taking a multi-vitamin (although if you have a sensitive stomach, it might be worth taking before bedtime so you don't get nauseous).  This way you will supplement your calcium without having to drink a bunch of milk.  Soy milk is pretty good too.

  5. Calcium is very important to have, so my suggestion for the time being is to get a calcium supplement.  TUMS can work.

    If you're lactose intollerant, you more than likely will be able to eat yogurt.  

    More info though, as far as how it makes you feel sick.  Honestly... it sounds like you might be becoming intollerant, or just not liking the taste of it (I went through some years when I just hated the taste of milk.  Then we started getting better organic milk when I got married and I could make the choice, and the taste of it is far better.)

    Edit:  Since there are a LOT of dangers starting to be associated with soy milk replacing normal milk, make sure you keep in mind your age before switching to soy milk.  Among other things, soy milk can inhibit the absorption of calcium.  Rice milk is a better substitute.  Just research it before going soy.

  6. It might be a very mild case of it, but probably not.  Usually there's some gas, bloating, cramping and diarrhea that goes along with it.  And you are able to have milk with cookies and cereal.  I can't have milk, no way no how.  Do you have issue with other dairy?  I also have trouble with ice cream, sour cream, most cheeses and butter.  If I eat them I don't feel sick, I AM sick.

  7. Hating milk does not make you lactose intolerant.  Some people just don't like milk.

    The biggest clue is that you can handle it with cereal or cookies.  THAT does not sound lactose intolerant.

    if you just don't like milk, that's OK.  Ask you doctor about calcium supplemenmts, or ask a dietician about other calcium rich foods.

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