I had s*x the week(s) of and before 7/13, before my period (7/19), multiple times. After my period, I had s*x on 7/29 and the following day, I noticed I was spotting, accompanied by mild cramping. The spotting carried on for 5 days and on 8/6, I went to be tested at the local clinic. The nurse noted that I had a "red cervix" and that it seemed to be irritated.
Last week I called and all results came back negative, so the spotting wasn't from an STD. To this day, I am still experiencing mild cramping in my tummy. My period was at least 12 days late. On 8/27, I began to bleed, but it didn't seem like my period.
Usually, my cycle gets heavy on the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th days, but it was way lighter than normal. It ended one day early on the 9/1. Also, when I begin to get hungry, the cramping gets more intense and it's almost like I MUST eat. Once I eat, the cramping is mild again.
What do you think? Could I be in an early pregnancy stage? Should I see a doctor about a lab test? What could all the spotting and missed period mean? (no, I am not stressed)