
Could I be pregnancy and just have low HCG levels?

by  |  earlier

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I got my last period on June 16th or 17th and I completely missed my July period. I have done 5 hpt and all show negative, the doctor did a urine and a blood test and both of those showed negative as well. I've had a regular period since I was 11 years old and I am now going to be 28 this year. My husband and I wouldn't mind having a child but it's not the end of the world if i'm not pregnant right now. I was on the pill about 11 years and went off of it in January 2008 and my periods have still been regular. Could it be that my HCG levels are really low and i am pregnant?

I have a ton of symptons like: peeing alot more, tired all the time, swollen and sore b***s, moody, slight cramping/pulling in my stomach and off and on nausea.

Sorry for all the info, but i would like to know what's going on and if anyone has been in this situation before. When should i test again?




  1. It's unlikely that you're pregnant if the blood test was negative.  If you are still concerned, wait a week and test again.  HCG levels rise quickly in early pregnancy, and most tests pick up levels as low as it should be reliable.

  2. It doesn't sound likely that you are pregnant.  I would probably blame the birth control pills for causing you to miss your period.

    Did your doctor do a physical exam as well?  (S)he should be able to tell through a pelvic exam.

  3. I odnt think you are pregnant... I think this have something to do with the pills  Ask your doctor about it

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