
Could I be pregnant. Having nausea, food and odor aversions, cramps and backaches...but negative hpt.?

by Guest45104  |  earlier

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My last period was on 7-29-08. My hubby and I had s*x on Aug 4, 9, and 14 (lack due to heavy work schedules).

I don't know the exact date when my next period will come. I am thinking it will be around the 31 of this month. Mainly because I just got off of depo. I only took one shot (4-3-08 and was due for another on 6-25-08, but didn't get it). When my period came, it lasted for 11 days...with the last days being extremely light. Then it went away for 3 days and return immediately after my husband and I had s*x on aug 14. That lasted for 3 days. It was various colors...first light pink, then dark brown/red with HEAVY mucus, red. To do that is abnormal for me.

Since being on depo I got a period every month like normal and I got one after I got off. I am not longer on depo because I didn't get my second shot. Therefore the drug should be out of me right?

So do you think I am pregnant? Did I test too soon? Or are these depo withdrawl side effects?

I tested tonight because I didn't want to wait any longer. I think I tested too soon.




  1. Wait to test again or get a blood test!

  2. I also think that you tested too soon. Your symptoms sound promising though.  Try testing again around the time that your period is due or even a couple of days before. Good Luck.  

  3. It took me 3 months after I got off the shot to get pregnant. My OB told me that it can take up to 18 months to conceive after the depo. So, imagine my surprise when it was 3 months later, instead of 18! Everyone is different. I had been on it for about 2 years. If you had a period on the 14th of this month, even though it was weird, you may just be having some side affects after getting off it. Your body is probably trying to regulate itself. Good luck to you though.

  4. yeah go get a test

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