
Could I be pregnant? Help please?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17, i've been going out with my boyfriend for almost 2 years now, and we've been having s*x for about 6 months. We're always really safe and he always wears a condom but i'm really worried as this month i've not had my period (but i'm getting the pains?) and i'm finding this strange dark browny discharge. I'm confused as I used to get irregular periods but they seemed to have evened themselves out. I started my period when I was 11 so i'm pretty used to them by now. I know my boyfriend doesn't have an STD and i don't either. Could I be pregnant? As I said i'm really worried and don't know who to talk too, i can't tell my mum and dad they'd go mad,

thanks x




  1. It is very doubtful.

    Your period can take years to become regular, or they may never be regular.

    You can have the occasional irregular one... I wouldn't worry. If you're safe, check the condom, and are getting those pains, it should be coming :). Don't stress, it can just hold it off longer.

    Also, late periods could mean a change in diet or exercise habits, so just watch out :).

    Good luck!

  2. congrats! you're gonna be a mommy!

  3. are u taking any medications like i am if u take seroquel like me it will mess up your periods if u dont  then try to rewmember if u throwed up

  4. I know you say you're really safe, but if you're only wearing a condom, that's not always enough. A lot of teens get pregnant when they use condoms, and they don't have to break for this to happen. You can find a local Family Planning or Planned Parenthood around your area and make an appointment. They can give you a pregnancy test and check you for anything else. You could even get some free birth control while you're there. :]

  5. Usually when you're late on your period, it comes out brown.

  6. Condoms in the right hands are excellent birth control.  And for your health one of the best because it has the least side effects (actually none unless you are allergic to latex).   At any rate-the brownish discharge is very likely the start of your period.  Take a OTC test to confirm if you are not sure-but I'm pretty sure that you are getting your period and are not pregnant.

  7. Take a test if your worried.

    I doubt you are.

  8. it is possible but i don't think so if u so worried take a test  

  9. I seriously doubt that you are.

    But it never hurts to take a pregnancy test.

  10. why would i know, i wasn't their....

  11. Amy,

    Take a test.  None of us can know...

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