
Could I be pregnant? I got 2 negative HPT, but I accidentally skipped some b/c pills last month...?

by  |  earlier

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Hello everyone. I'm married and have two children with my husband. I am on birthcontrol pills, but last month I forgot a couple of pills on a few occasions, but always made up for it....skip one pill, take two the next day...miss two pills, take two for two days, etc. Now, I am 2 days late on my period. Last week I had crampy uterus (like uterun contractions), dizzy, spotty blood in my nose (no actual bleeding), and even the clear stringy dis(I hate that word, but you know where I'm going with that). Now, nothing...absolutely nothing. It would be a gift if we were pregnant again, but I can't figure out why I am late and had two negative home pregnancy tests. I am ALWAYS regular and have NEVER missed a period over stress or anything. Help??




  1. hahaha! its funny because it makes referance to genitals!

  2. I doubt you are pregnant (it is possible, of course, but it usually takes several months for the pill to work its way out of your system) because you took the pills. Likely, because you took them in larger increments later, they pushed your period back a few days. I expect you'll get it soon.

    However, you sound like you might subconsciously want another child, since you are missing your pills and 'hoping' you're pregnant. Talk it over with your husband. You could be pregnant soon!

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