
Could I be pregnant? I just want a few opinions. Please hear out the details.?

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Eh, alright so I wasn't really keeping track of my period, and usually it's pretty irregular because of my weight (I'm pretty skinny). But see, usually I get it around the same time as my friends. Well, this month I didn't (obviously, which is why I'm writing this). And my friend also went through this and I kept her calm and always told myself I'd be calm in case it ever happened to me, but I started to worry in my head over the past couple days. My b***s got bigger a couple weeks ago when i was expecting my period, and i HAD all the pre-"signs" of having my period a couple weeks ago, but I never got it. I took one of those cheapie pregnancy tests and it was negative, awesome right? Well, still no period. I'm 16 years old, and i actually have not had unprotected s*x--except once, but that one time we actually used the pull-out method there was no sperm, etc, until after he pulled out.

The reason I'm writing this is because right before I was about to go to bed I noticed that my stomach was harder, like it elt like it was worked out even though I don't work out. Is all of this just in my head? Or does this sound like a reasonable thing to go get checked out at a planned parenthood or something?

Thank you very much.




  1. personally i don't think that your pregnant.

    as you say that you are irregular that could just be the case.

    i've known people that have missed their periods for months and they aren't pregnant.

    although just in case maybe you should take another pregnancy test...just to make sure.

  2. if u think u may be pregnant jus take another test to see. and maybe since ur period is irregular, you're jus late. all that other stuff doesn't happen till later in pregnancy. but if you're having problems, go see a doctor

  3. Sure sounds like you might be pregnant.

    Get another pregnancy test.

    even though u done the "pull out" doesnt mean u cant get pregnant by that.. there is still the pre-***. so yeah i reckon you're pregnant.. just my opinion..

    Good luck hun


  4. i would definitely take another pregnancy test and then go to the doctor to double check. IT sounds like your pregnant but you might not be. also i would never use the pulling out method because of pre-***  

  5. i would wait another week and if still no period then get a dearer pregnancy test or go and see your gp  that is what i would do because although you say you used this pull out technique men get this discharge stuff before hand that can contain sperm so its best to get yourself checked out asap for peace of mind at the least hope this helps you x

  6. While it does sound, like it is 'in your head', get checked out at Planned Parenthood, regardless.

  7. Just a bit of advice even before the man ejaculates sperm is released hence why the 'pulling out' method doesn't work!!!  I'd say condoms and other forms of birth control are the way forward to prevent pregnancy and also std's.

    I would get a decent test and try it or go to your doctor, that's a good way of finding out if you can it's more accurate as they may take blood but a lot just use normal pregnancy tests.  

  8. How long ago did you have unprotected s*x? You can go to the doctor for a general checkup, it may be nothing

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