
Could I be pregnant even with these results?

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My last period was on May 18 or May 19 (I can't remember exactly which day it was). My boyfriend and I had s*x on May 29. I took 2 HPTs on Friday, June 13. I got 2 negative results. I used the First Response Early Result so it works earlier. But do you think that they were accurate? I have another test left. What date should I take it if I don't know exactly when my next period will come?




  1. You normally ovulate around 14 days after the first day of your last period so if your started on May 18 say you would ovulate 14 days later so you might not have been ovulating yet by 29th but who knows wait another week and your period should be due again...Good Luck hope you get the result you want..

  2. You could still be pregnant but you dont have enough of the hormones in you to read a positive result.  So I'd suggest taking it again on Friday morning (in the morning your hormones are higher)....

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