
Could I be pregnant on birth control?

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Okay so I started taking birth control... I'm in the middle of my third pack so far.

My boyfriend cums in my a lot since I'm on them....

About 3 weeks ago I forgot to take pills. About maybe a week later he cummed in me again. When my inactive pills cam I never got my period.

I didn't bleed at all! I got like old blood clots that came out and that was it.

My stomach today is cramping pretty bad like every couple minutes. I didn't take my birth control yesterday or today because I don't know if I'm pregnant or not?

What do you think, I need someone else's opinion.

Tell me what to do.




  1. You definately could be pregnant.It is very important to take your pill at the same time everyday.And still it is not 100% effective.And the cramping could be becauce u messed up on your pill so much.I think its a good idea to get a pregnancy test at your local pharmacy or walmart.And keep taking your pills.If u are pregnant it wont hurt the baby.And u need to figure out a way to remember your pill everyday.I set my alarm on my cell phone to go off everday at 4:00 that way i never forget my pill.Good luck and respect yourself by protecting yourself  

  2. yes, it's possible that you can be pregnant. Go get a pregnancy test

  3. The only way to assure not getting pregnant is to not have s*x.  I hope you are not pregnant - I'd feel sorry for the poor baby.  Qit having s*x and go back to school.

  4. The short answer to this is h**l yes you can get pregnant on birth control.  I have 2 that are proof of that.  

    The long answer is there is a good chance you could be.  The chances are even greater that you have stressed yourself out and stalled your cycle.  Go buy a test.

  5. First Off, Don't do Un-safe s*x. Unless you are married.

    Birth Control isn't 100% effective. And with you not using it you may be indeed Pregnant.

    I can't really 'TELL' you what to do, but if you want to make sure your pregnant go to your local doctor, or take a pregnancy test.

    If you don't want the baby. (Something I DONT Support at All)

    Have an Abortion. Other Then That. There is not much else to do.  

  6. Get to the doctor right away for a pregnancy test.  Anytime you don't take your birth control pills and have s*x you increase your chances of getting pregnant.

  7. You could definitely get pregnant.  Even taking your pills as directed you can get pregnant.  So letting him do that was stupid to begin with.  Birth control is NOT 100% effective.  I wasn't even off birth control a month before I got pregnant with my daughter, and I know many women who got pregnant while still on the pill.  

  8. Hi there, it sounds like you could possibly be pregnant. Sounds like what I felt for my first pregnancy.  It also depends on which row of pills that you forgot to take and how many days?  I just messed up my pills a few weeks ago and it screwed with my period when it was time to come.  My period came and went and then came again.  I spotted most of the week so I decided to just come off the pill.  The scary thing about it is I was having symptoms like I was pregnant.  Swollen, tender b*****s, spotting, cramping.  

    I think you should go get an over the counter preggo test if you want an answer now...but either way....make an appointment and see your doctor as soon as you can for a pregnancy test because of the cramping.. keep us posted and don't wait too long to do this.

  9. it takes a couple months to get used to birth control. keep taking it it wont hurt the baby if you are. and if youre not it will start protecting you after a month.

  10. you still can become preg. even if its less likely

    it also depends on how soon you took the pills before having s*x

    if you began takeing them the same day as your s*x you may have rushed it

    they take time to become useful so take them at least a few days before going at it  

  11. There is a good chance you could be pregnant. Birth control isn't 100% effective, and when it's used incorrectly the effectiveness goes down even more.  You should always use a back-up method of protections, but i'm sure you know this.  If you've been stressing about being pregnant or not getting your period this may be to blame for your cramping.  Factors such as stress, eating patterns, sleeping patterns, and exercise can all affect your period.  Although you could be pregnant try not to think about it and see if your symptoms go away, you may be surprised.   I would definitely take a test now though and if you get negative results wait a week or so and take another one.  Be sure to use your morning urine since the pregnancy hormones would be the highest.  After the test you'll know if you should worry so much...  Good Luck  

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