
Could I be susceptible to post natal depression?

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I'm in the first trimester of my pregnancy at the moment. I've suffered depression on and off for most of my life. Overall I feel pretty good nowadays (except for the awful nausea I've got!) but sometimes I still have really dark thoughts and feel that life is hopeless and cruel. I really want to be a good mum but am scared I won't be able to love my baby. I've heard you're much more likely to have post natal depression if you've suffered depression previously. Please help.




  1. Hey there. I have three children and had my first one when I was 17. I had a lot of the same fears you do right now and I think that is just normal for a first time pregnancy. I still had them with my second one but by the third I pretty much knew that I would love that child no matter what.

    Postpartum Depression as it is often called is pretty common. Regardless of your history of depression. I am no health professional, so I can't tell you if you are more susceptible or not, but I would tell anyone having a baby to be ready for it after. Your body goes through so much during pregnancy and then after. You are already on your way to combating the possibility of postpartum depression because you are aware of it. Your experience in dealing with depression in your life will come in handy too.

    Think of it like you are prepared. You can handle it. You can take it head on because you have done it before. And this time, you will have a beautiful baby that you will absolutely have no choice but to love and adore to help you through it.

    After you have your baby, surround yourself with a support system. Friends, family, pets, music, art, a busy schedule, whatever you can think of that will help you stay positive and focused and give you someone to lean on when you have 'sad' moments.

    I had really bad postpartum depression after my first child and I believe it is because I was not prepared for it.I had crazy fears that someone was going to take her away from me, that she was going to die, that I was going to lose her in someway... It was very very hard, but it only lasted about a month. My other two were not so bad because I knew it was coming and I knew when I was feeling so sad after the delivery exactly what it was.

    If you know what it is, its so much easier to deal with it. Get lots of help so you can rest and sleep A LOT. Being tired after having the baby is totally natural but its also much easier to become depressed when you are tired.

    I used a lot of natural remedies with my third and it was A LOT better. Bach Flowers Stress Remedy was a life saver. I have a link below for you.

    I hope this all helped you. Just focus on the positive good things and surround yourself with the things and people that make you happy. Prepare and you have already won most of the battle.

  2. not necessarily, mine came from my hormonal issues, I didn't have it with my first, but had it with my second. I actually felt the best pregnant, because it seems my hormones were right and then when the pregnancy was over-my hormones went out of wack.

    believe me, you will find the love for the little one-it will be total needy and wanting of you.

  3. Hiya!

    Honestly Hun, i dont wanna upset you, but im going to say Yes - HOWEVER.... you might not.

    Speak with the doctor about it now, that way you can put some steps in place if anything is to go that way!

  4. As no one can give you a sure-fire answer except for your doctor or psychiatrist, why not do some research on the topic so that you are thoroughly prepared if it arises after your baby is born.  Also set up some good support systems like baby sitters and friends whom you can go out with once a week to take your mind off of the baby and to focus some time on yourself because being stuck at home with a small baby 24-7 can be depressing.

  5. I had severe depression in my early 20s so when I fell pregnant with both my children, I went to a psychiartist throughout my pregnancy even though I was feeling fine, just every month or so for a chat and a checkup so to speak, and then after the baby was born, for about 6 months to a year, just to be sure, and kept a close eye on my mood, but I was fine, had bad days every now and then, and was exhausted a lot, but now you have 2 people to look after it is doubly important you look after yourself, as your baby needs it in tip top condition.  Just remember to eat right, exercise a bit, sleep when the baby sleeps, it is vital to try and get enough sleep, as this is what will affect your mood and mental state the most, but usually it is nothing a cuddle from you sweet baby wont fix

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