
Could I do it?

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I am fifteen years old and I am a female(not like that has anything to do with it!) Anyway I tried to pick up on swimming and I started swimming competitivly on a swim team at the age of thirteen I was only like 4/2 back then but because I was so small and I feared that if I would compete aganst other teens I would embarass myself so I dropped of the team and totally quit. Now I am fifteen and 4/6 and I am trying to get back on the team and practicing to get better, Could I possibly get to a point were I could beat any other people my age even though I am so much smaller?




  1. of course you can! if you try hard enough          SIZE NEVER MATTERS =)

  2. yes definately but at your height, you wont be too good at sprints but if you work hard, you might be great at long distance

  3. Well when i was about 7 i was 4'6 and swam with kids at 10 or 11 so as you can tell they were much bigger i could always beat them in long distance and even keep up in short distance, but you have to work hard like CRAZY hard but if you need tips on strokes or drill message me ^^

  4. I am 4/6 and I'm 11. I am alot shorter than other people my age. In sprints this kind of puts me at a disadvantage. Learn to love the distance races and you will succeed. Good luck!
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