
Could I get breast cancer?

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So I was making out with my boyfriend and he was getting adventurous and started to massage my b*****s. Soon, he's starting to play with them a little bit harder then even more harder to the point I had to stop him. Well, it was fine until I woke up the next morning with bruises all on the left side of my right breast and the right side of my left breast. I've been told I could get breast cancer by doing that. I just wanna know if it's actually true




  1. not true.

  2. No. The idea that breast cancer can develop after a trauma to the breast  is an old myth that just won't go away.

    Breast cancer, like all other cancers, happens when normal cells change so that they grow in an uncontrolled way. This uncontrolled growth causes a tumour to form. Squeezing, biting, punching, pinching etc will not cause this process to start.

    Here are a couple of links to articles about breast cancer myths, including this one

  3. This is silly - you don't get cancer of any sort this way.  Just bruises - get a new boyfriend, this one is stupid.

    Next thing you know he'll be getting you pregnant if that's all he cares about you.

  4. i think someone is trying to scare you, there are lots of reasons that people get breast cancer,that isn`t one i have ever heard of,and i have breast cancer,and hear lots of stories from other women with it, but tell your boyfriend to go easy or get a new one.  

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