
Could I get home schooled for having Chrones Disease?

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I have had chrones disease for..well going on 4 years now...the first three years I didn't even know I had it cause doctors..kept putting me they never saw me. So I have to use the bathroom ALOT! Plus..sometimes I dont even feel like doing anything cause my stomach hurts somewhat...I was just wondering if they think I should get home schooled.




  1. You do not need an excuse to be homeschooled.  You can be homeschooled with or without Crohns or any other disease/disorder.  To find the laws regarding homeschooling in your state, visit

    If you are asking about being a homebound student, you will need to consult the guidance counselor at your school.  It is different than being homeschooled.

    You can also look into virtual schooling, where you are still a student in the public school system but you do your lessons online.  Check out the website for your state's Department of Education and/or consult your guidance counselor to find out about this option.

    I hope this helps, and wish you the best!  We will be glad to answer any questions you have about homeschooling.

  2. We homeschool our son who has Crohn's but  Crohn's had nothing to do with our decision.    He was just diagnosed and had few symptoms.  He now takes daily medication and has no symptoms.

    We homeschool him because he was not learning in public school.  It was not fault of the school, just of the system.   It is a more efficient use of time for him to get an individual education plan.  He did not qualify for this in the public school system.   Rather than fight the system, we just teach him at home.  It works for us.

    If you were my son and I  were going to homeschool you, my first assignment would be for you  to do some extensive research on Crohn's.

    There are many support groups on the internet.  

    Here are a few links to get you started to find support and information:

    The teen and kid section on CCFA is particularly interesting. There are also some video available on CCFA and Healthtalk.    

    It may help you to make a decision on home school.  If you can do the research on this and understand what you read, then you can teach yourself anything you want to learn.

    We are all self learners.      The best teacher in the world cannot teach a person who does not want to learn.

  3. Okay I'm going to presume that 'Chrones' (sic) is a typo and you meant to say you have Crohn's Disease:

    You don't need a reason, any reason, to be homeschooled; no-one does. The *only* thing you need is the agreement of your parents as whether or not you can homeschool (proper) is solely a parental decision and no business whatsoever of your school, education authority, State or anybody else.

    Being homeschooled means that your parents withdraw you from school, thus ending all contact between you and the school district and, from that moment on, it's your parents who bear the responsibility for & costs of organising your education, teaching you themselves, grading your work, keeping your records etc etc. Anyone can homeschool but, as a homeschooler, you & your parents'll be going it alone as far as the school district is concerned; they'll be no help or support from the school district or your (ex) school.  

    However if you meant 'homeBOUND school' when your school does continue to supply you with the assignments, books, teacher support, grading etc but you get to stay at home and study, that is *not* homeschooling. That you probably would need sufficient cause and proof (doctor's letter etc) to show that you're unable to attend school in the normal way as, under homebound schooling, your education'd still be the responsibility of (and therefore a financial drain on) your current school/school district.

  4. My ex-financee has Chrone's and he was not home-schooled.  In fact, by going to a regular school and whatnot he better learned how to manage his disorder - for example he learned how to explain it to others, where to find public restrooms (this is important when you have Chrone's), and not to be embarrassed of his disorder. All of these things he learned because he had to interact with lots of different kids every day.  He's a lawyer now - he has said many times if he had not learned to manage the social aspects of his disorder he would not have had the self-confidence to become a lawyer.  So no, don't get home-schooled

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