
Could I get into an elite college...?

by Guest64112  |  earlier

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Practically my whole mother's side of the family (her father and brothers, as well as my mother's first cousins (about 6)) have gone to Notre Dame. I don't think I have the GPA to get in, a 3.2 at a college prep high school, but I would like to go to school there. I am also apart of the football team, basketball team, track and field team, student council, and volunteer locally. Would having all that heritage go to school there help me get in with a resume like mine? Could I get in without them making a difference? Would I be about to get accepted to a school such as USC, UCLA, or Ohio State?

Much appreciated.




  1. ND takes a ton of legacies. If your family has given generously to the school that helps a ton. If you can play sports on one of their teams, you're in. Otherwise, it's iffy. Your SAT scores would have to be really strong (above ND's average at the very least) to counter your low GPA.

    You would have no chance at UCLA or USC unless your school is just so competitive a 3.2 is in the top 10%.

    Also, all the cousins and uncles don't count unless they've given so much they make you a development candidate (student who comes with the giving of big bucks), it's only your grandfather that makes you a legacy.

  2. Dear Super,

                   Relax.... Take a deep breath. You have two years before college. You have time to bring up your grades, train for the SAT's and find an alumni to speak with Notre Dame.

                    Worst case- You are rejected at N.D. Why not consider a junior college to demonstrate your capabilities? It only matters, where it matters, the school name on your diploma, not the route you took there. You can transfer after one, two or three years.

                     Any of your listed schools will provide a great basic education. [Personally, I wonder why a N.D. fan would consider S.C.]

                     The business world is increasingly competitive from the four corners of earth. Your prospective competition are likely to possess advanced degrees. Nearly any field you enter requires completion of a post-graduate degree.

    A diploma from a premier school will broaden your post-grad options.

                       Give your folks a hug for instilling your appreciation for education. Give Mom an extra hug for her family's Notre Dame heritage.


                        I never met a Notre Dame graduate I did not like and respect. I never saw a Notre Dame team I did not want my UCLA Bruins to beat.

                         Best Wishes. You are already a success with your accomplishments. The only pressure you are under is self-imposed.

                        Your college years should allow you to explore new and different subject matter not previously available to you. Take fullest advantage of new opportunities and new people from all cultures. All schools provide this...

                       If YOUR heart is set on NOTRE DAME, make it so. Make certain it is your personal goal and not the family goal. You can do it!    

  3. It seems like the competition is tight, so good luck. I would put a lot of thought in to my admissions essay and have an english teacher proof-read it.

    Admission to the University is competitive. Admissible students possess strong academic records and are usually ranked at or near the top of their high school class. The average student admitted for the class of 2011 was ranked in the top 5% of his or her graduating class. These students also scored well on Standardized Tests. For the class of 2011, 50% scored between 1350 and 1490 on the SAT and between 31 and 34 on the ACT. 25% of the class admitted scored above those ranges. Students admitted to Notre Dame also build strong extracurricular records and are dedicated, passionate leaders in their communities and are evaluated positively by their guidance counselors and teachers. Finally, students competitive in our applicant pool reveal themselves and their personalities in well-written personal statements. Rather than tell us facts about themselves, they show us their uniqueness in a variety of different ways.

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