
Could I get more help??

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I need more answers to this;_ylt=AoUUQRsxj8i1fehEui0s.Arsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20080808090307AAky8oE&show=7#profile-info-G0dv3pD1aa

You can answer it in this question. Thanks. =] =/




  1. maybe u in love with ed james olmo

  2. whatever is happening in my life at the moment usually appears in my dreams, for example, i was really into the show lost a few months ago and i had a few dreams about it.

    i just started reading the twilight saga a few weeks ago (I LOVE IT) ahah but i haven't remembered any dreams recently though...

    anyways, it's weird how james keeps poping up in your dream...

    "If you are expressing a true and tender love for another then it shows that you will find happiness and contentment in your life."

    i found this on a website:

  3. why thank you! here's 6 points on the same question! you are so generous!

    so i say, once again, JAMES EDWARDS IS A HISTORICAL FIGURE. YOU EITHER SEE PART OF A FUTURE OR WANT THIS TO BE THE FUTURE!!! how many times are you going to ask this?!

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