
Could I get my POSITIVE result this month??? ?

by  |  earlier

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I am now 15 days past probable ovulation (august 3), today is day 31 of this cycle (typical cycles are range from 28 - 38 days). On August 4-6 I had some spotting, since then nothing.

My symptoms are nauseous feeling, more frequent urination, mild tugging feeling in abdomen, slight cramping. I do not have soar b*****s/nipples.

Anyone else had these type of symptoms and wound up pregnant or should i expect AF any day now?




  1. I'm having the tugging feeling, and I should start Wednesday. Best of luck to both of us!!

  2. Yep, it certainly sounds like you could be, but the only way to know for sure is to take the test.

    Best of luck.  Hope you get the result you're hoping for x

  3. I just got my BFP yesterday:) I am peeing more and having crampy almost tugging feeling also.  I am also very thirsty and having clear discharge and gas and very tired, my b*****s are not sore.  At 15 dpo you should get an accurate result, take a test!!  Good luck and baby dust to you!!

  4. I had them last month and then got my af. Take a test, if it is negative wait until day 38 and test again. Good luck

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