
Could I get rich by starting a group called YAA?

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Yahoo Answers Anonymous....for those addicted to Yahoo Answers. Any Top Contributors or anyone over Level 4 would automatically be enrolled and be debited the $10.00 inititation fee.




  1. And those among us who are either over or underprivileged would get comps or scholarships I trust? Not everyone has a debit card nor is willing to give out bank information. It does sound like a plan, but would we want to meet each other than cyberly? It might be great ( or maybe not) for us to get together at some central location, but where the h**l would that be? Of course for many this would be cost prohibitive. However, since I was for some fecking reason BARRED from joining the original YA, I am very much game to join another gang of assorted Yahoo saints and crazies. So bring it on, but forget your "get rich" plans. Or at least don't count me as one of your investers.

  2. no you would not get people are very unlikely to give out there banking info on line...not only that isn't the main goal of having levels on Y!A to reach the highest level possible? not only that its up to the person to seak out help if they think they are an addict...not you...remember the first step is admitting you r an addict...not having someone tell you that you are

  3. Top idea! And how will you wean we poor fools off YA? Helping us find worthwhile lives? Dinner parties to make new real friends?

    But are you, yourself, addicted to laughing at all the YA people? Physician heal thyself!

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