
Could I get some feedback on my Yu-Gi-Oh! deck?

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Flame Ruler x1

Masked Dragon x2

Decoy Dragon x1

Kaiser Sea Horse x2

Giant Soldier of Stone x1

Spirit of the Harp x1

The Dragon Dwelling In The Cave x1

Spirit Caller x1

Koumori Dragon x1

Solar Flare Dragon x1

Mystical Elf x1

Twin-Headed Behemoth x1

Lord of D. x1

Felgrand Dragon x1

Tyrant Dragon x1

Darkblaze Dragon x1

Red-Eyes B. Dragon x1

Blue-Eyes White Dragon x1


Foolish Burial x1

Premature Burial x1

Mausoleum of the Emperor x1

Lightning Vortex x1

Mountain x1

The Shallow Grave x1

Trade-In x1

Fissure x1

Big Bang Shot x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x1


Call of the Haunted x1

Enchanted Javelin x1

Draining Shield x1

Tap Holex1

Ultimate Offering x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Dust Tornado x1

Magic Jammer x1

Reinforcements x1

My friends at school hate how well I use this deck. I don't lose unless I get a bad hand. I'm just wondering what anybody else thinks and if I have a shot in a tournament.




  1. Remove:


    Giant Soldier of Stone x1(not dragon)

    Spirit of the Harp x1(What?)

    Spirit Caller x1

    Koumori Dragon x1(weak)

    Solar Flare Dragon x1

    Mystical Elf x1

    Red-Eyes B. Dragon x1 (very weak)


    Mountain x1(Low Power up)

    Fissure x1

    Trade in x1


    Enchanted Javelin x1

    Reinforcements x1


    Nimble Mongolia x3

    Cloudian-Sheep cloud x1

    Morphing Jar x2

    Decoy Dragon x1

    Monster Reborn x1

    Cost Down x2

    Rush Recklessly x1

    Hammer Shot x1

    Ancient Rules x1

    P.S. Use that deck in tourneys and you'll lose.

    Rise of the Dragon Lords Rule!

  2. its ok. but if u go against someones deck that has a power house of monsters ur deck is not going to do any good. my deck mainly consists of a combination of both high level and low level monsters and thats why my friends lose against me. u want a powerful monster for this deck go to a comic book shop or where ever idk where u can get this structure deck now but its called dragon's roar it contains the powerful red eyes darkness dragon and the only monster that can beat him is shining dragon cuz they both get 300 additional attack points for every dragon in the gravryard but im not telling u to change ur deck if u feel its good enough then lerave it the way it is

  3. Its ok for school and for your friends, but if you use it in a tournament prepare to lose alot. No offense but with the power houses like 6Sams and monarchs just to name a few, you will lose alot. sorry, not for tournaments

  4. not good enough  :/

    u will lose to a stall/burn deck or exodia

    and call of the haunted is banned

    u need:

    heavy storm/giant trunade

    cyber dragon


  5. It's perfect. And your friend is right; you'll rarely lose with this unless you have a bad hand. 9.5/10

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