
Could I go to the 2012 olympics?

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I know I already asked this question, but I have a couple more questions. Im 13 year old girl, and this year I bearly swam, I practised about 30 times. I went to 4 swim meets and I made my provincial time

I went to long A provincials, so thats all of Alberta, Canada. But I want to practise all year next year, should I do anything else like weight training or running? I really want to be able to go to Youth Nationals next year, and Im a breastroker, here are my times, 200breastroke 3:05 my 100breastroke is 1:25 and my 50breastroke is 38seconds. I would really like to be able to go to the 2012 olympics. I live in Canada so my swims are in meters. also how many times should I practise a week next year? I have a problem I live in a very small town, and the coach, is there just to tell tell us what to swim, she doesnt help with our strokes or our technique, I ask her a question and she replys, what do you think is right? she isnt much of a coach, we bearly had enough people for a club.




  1. you really have to work on your REALLY REALLY work on them

  2. when there's a will, there's a way; however, your age will make this harder because chances are, not many people will support you; just keep at it

    best wishes!

  3. Your biggest hindrance to making the 2012 Olympics is your environment. If this is the only realistic place where you can practice, you are at a dead end.

    Your times are very good, but the resources available to you are not. The fact that you are 13 and are wondering how many times a week you should practice suggests that swimming is not a sport that is thriving in your area. That is, what good would it do to tell you that you should be practicing twice a day and once on Saturdays, if your coach is not willing to commit that much time for you?

    Talk to your parents about looking for a more competitive environment. They know your location and they know what is realistically available to you. They can help you more than Yahoo Answers can.

  4. listen girl my breast stroke time is better and I think that , no nevermind I know that I will be seeing you at the 2012 olymips so I suggest you bring your A game.

  5. well if you try really hard.  if you dont weight lift already you should start.  im a 13 year old swimmer also and ive been weight lifting for almost 3 years.  i dont even go to nationals.  last year i did make sectionals but thats the highest ive gotten.  but good luck

  6. Um, if you are 13 and you want to make it to the olympics than you want to practice a lot more. I am a 13 year old girl and I swim 8 two hour practices a week.

  7. You are good, I will give you that, maybe 2020 Olympics if you really work at it, but those times are not in the same level of Olympic athletes.

    Olympic athletes train 9 times a week and then do dry land/ weights 3-4 times a week.

  8. Olympic swimmers practice about 14 times a week, meaning once in the morning and once at night.

    My times are better than yours, I'm also a 13 year old girl, and breastroke isn't even my stroke. Olympians times are MUCH, much better than that so you'd have a LOOONG way to go. If you're really serious about swimming then you should switch teams. It sounds like you've hit a dead end on your team and they're not going to get you anywhere.

  9. just forget it your time is just not good enough.

  10. 50 is worse than my time Im a rly good swimmer just not that good at breast stroke but ive gotten 36 on average for 50m. Even if you live in small area go the extra distance and join a good swim team. When the coach tells you how to improve your stroke memorize it. I only have practice 3 times a week but i go to the pool and practice everyday. You should practice everyday that you can. Sorry to say but i dont think you'll make it to 2012 olmypics. Even I dont think ill make 2012 but ill try for 2016 olympics giving me 8 years to be the best I can. Im a 13 year old guy but going to olympics at age 17 is very rare. The youngest to make the olympic team this year was 16 I believe and shes put a lot of time into it. But keep trying join a good team and I might see you at the olmpics in 2016

  11. Myuen8888 is correct. If you're serious about this, then you need to change your environment. You need to find a different team.

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