
Could I grow more, down there?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I'm seventeen, have pubes that go to the inside of my thights, a happy trail, underarm hair that's visible but not thick, and some chest hair that is visible but not thick. I also have hair on the top of my foot. My p***s is five inches hard and right at five around. Could I grow more. Also, could my hmmm.... grow more? Someone said that I could reach six inches. Do you think I could? Also, am I normal down there? What is your size if you're my age or older? Do you think I'm normal?




  1. That's pretty normal - average length is 5" to 7" - you sound a little big around for my comfort, but that's just me.  I think that men generally continue to grow some until age 21 or so - all over - so you could still grow some.

    If not, that is a perfectly acceptable size.

    PS, anyone who goes around bragging about p***s size at school is really insecure and are probaly built like a crayon.  That's just how guys are.

  2. I've heard that massaging to increase bloodflow helps. Stretching too. The best is pelvic floor exercises-these increase performance in the bedroom. Would you rather be good in bed, or big down there? Yes being bigger helps, but size is only one factor. If you shave the hair it generally grows back faster and stronger.

  3. if you are circumcised you might be able to release a little more p***s shaft if you are cut tight and will also gain more thickness as well as more pleasure and easier more enjoyable s*x you should do f******n restoration

    I restored my f******n by stretching, the pleasure increases have been great, it's like it was naturally meant to be there, it was well worth the effort

  4. email me im 15

  5. Men grow for a long time. but i very much doubt your p***s size will reach to 6 inches, and your normal size, normal p***s is is 5-6, so you have nothing to worry about. Yes your completely normal. probably a late bloomer but normal.

  6. Puberty ends between 16 and 21.  Average length is 5.1 to 6.2 inches. Average girth is 4.5 to 5.5 inches depending on what you read.  

    I had my first vaginal o****m with a guy under 3 inches. It's how you use that be a generous lover and you will be fine.   You are normal. Size is determined by genetics.

  7. you could grow a good 2 inches more but thats it. your fine though. its normal. im 8 inch. and my gf told me she likes em smaller =\ lol but i still do her haha ;)

  8. yep, normal and sure, there is room for growth since you are still developing/puberty so just wait and if you don't get 6 that fine too since genetics determines size so relax and don't focus to much down there for there is nothing you can really or anyone can do about it so don't fall for  pills, vaccums, creams that "give a bigger size, the guys on p**n are just that way so don't compare with them--genetics were on their side.  

  9. 5 around? d**n.

    youre a little small in my opinion. like 6 in or 7 in is good...idk if you can grow more

    but a little advice, shave your pubes and chest hair, or at least trim. girls dont find that pretty.

  10. p***s's come in all shapes and sizes and to tell you the truth if you are asking this question then your p***s is more than likely normal. every guy at one time or another asks himself this. statistic wise you are perfectly normal but to be honest if guys with a small p***s i'm talking 3.5 hard can still please a woman its not the size of the tool it's how you use it. now for the bad news you are already past yyou repeak of puberty so you wont grow anymore down there and even if you do it would be so minimal you wwouldn'teven notice. ddon'tsweat it, your normal. as well looking down at it from your perspective it will always look smaller try a mirror and you will be ssurprisedat the way it looks.

  11. no,........................................

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