
Could I have Psychic abilities?

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So, I tried the Zenner card test...I'm not sure if it works or not. It's just I have deja vu and things like that a lot. So, I wanted to try it. Well, I'd pick a symbol and get it right, but then usually get a few wrong. But the thing is is I think I go against my gut feeling/ inner voice. Every time I got a symbol wrong, it was what I thought it would be in the back of my head. Maybe I think things over too much?

That tends to happen with a lot of things- I'll think something, but then brush it aside. Then, it turns out I was right in the first place. A few examples of other "psychic like" moments are these: Ferrari. It's a movie I'd never heard of until one day this summer. SAME DAY, I walk in a room and someone on the TV says Ferrari. And a few days before that I'd heard a word in a song- a song I hadn't heard in a long time- and a few hours later a movie with that title comes on that I hadn't seen in a long time. And the words in the song were just random words I'd heard when I payed attention to the radio. I've had dreams that come true also. It's weird.

Could this mean that I have some type of psychic ability? Is it intuition that I need to pay more attention to or what? I'd also like to learn how to control this more if I could.




  1. You have to consistently pick more than 24 percent correctly or 10 percent or less consistently to be considered psychic. I tis really hard to tell from such a small sample of events.

    My parents made 23 correct picks in a row before 8 witnesses.  

  2. Hm, you're intuition can definitely be strong. The other day I was in my car at a stoplight, and I got really panicky. When putting gas in my car later that night, by the same stoplight, a horrible car accident happened right there. So yes, definitely listen to your intuition, and I think there are books on how to develop it more.

  3. Since the overwhelming majority of evidence from the scientific research on psi abilities supports that psi abilities are a normal human ability with a normal distribution in the population you probably do have at least some psi ability. Are you the next Mozart of psi? I seriously doubt that you are as much as I would doubt any piano player making that claim.

    Unfortunately, real world examples (not under controlled conditions) make it difficult if not impossible to eliminate other non psi explanations.

    Thus, controlled conditions had to be established to test such abilities and these conditions are not always conducive to psi abilities that may function in a more relaxed real world environment,

    In any event I have included a link that will allow you to explore your psi abilities with some online test/games.


  4. 1.  You could have the abilities.

    2.  Everyone possesses the potential to develop these abilities.

  5. I don't believe anyone is psychic.

    You said you did the Zenner test and didn't score any better than average, didn't that tell you something? No one can consistently score better than average.

    All the other stuff is merely coincidence.

    You said your Dad just woke up, mostly people on here describe seeing odd things when there are just waking up, or going to bed, all those times when you would expect to be just starting to dream or finishing dreaming.

    People are unable to see auras under test conditions either.

    Anyway keep trying with the Zenner test if you are able to get a better than average score there is a million dollars waiting for you here:

  6. i think its definatly ur intuition it happens to me ALLL the time

    and jonquill dont anwer unless ur going to HELP someone plz, noone like a know it all brat!

  7. I think it is possible you may have.

  8. I don’t believe psychic phenomena are precisely "abilities" in that they are not controllable to a large degree. I view them as more unreliable than a true ability. Some of the things you've described may be true psychic events, and others may have different explanations. I'd venture a guess that you have experienced some phenomena, but people sometimes "encourage" the idea that they have special abilities and get away from the truth. You may benefit from seeing if you can debunk your own testimonies. If not, you are more likely to be looking at real psychic events.

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