
Could I have a bipolar disorder?

by Guest44633  |  earlier

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I'm 15 at the moment, although I'm very mature for my age. I personally hate modern society, all the rap, all the s***s (sorry to say, but i even hate the girls trying to be hot and show-off, a s**t or not), all the politics and conflicting religions. I even hate technology but I bear with it. I love the outdoors and nature. Okay, but here's the problem. Everytime I'm sitting down and doing nothing in modern society, or even doing something I don't see is contributing to my personal goal, I start to actually get mad. And I get madder, and madder, and madder. I start to got very hot and sweat and I'm able to control that and then I start to get upset and depressed. I can't talk to my parents about it because they don't care about me. I am NOT lying when I say that. My dad is always working and when he comes home, he just yells at me telling me to get out. And my mom only cares about herself. I know something is wrong with me. I'm positive. Everytime I hurt myself somehow, she says to suck it up. My heel right now is actually fractured, and she hasn't taken me to the doctor because honestly, she is lazy. She sits down all day and watches t.v. and claims she is paying bills but only does that for about an hour. Could if be bipolar? Even if so, how could I get my parents to get my checked out. They wouldn't take me to the doctor.




  1. Guidance counselors, teachers, other relatives,peer groups, church, friends parents,child services....All are places of safe haven for kids, i suggest you talk to someone like the people i have listed. I am sure as a parent myself of a 15 yr old, you are going through changes and things that make your parents just wonder...I know my wife and I are scratching our heads at some of the things you guys go through. It may seem like they don't care but I'm sure they do, much more than you may think...In the end you might want to just open up and make your parents listen to you and your for you being Bipolar..i can only steal a quote from Barack Obama and say..." that's above my pay grade"....

  2. you dont need them to take you. It sounds like you have self absorbed parents.

    At least you are keepin it real wit yaself, most kids just do drugs and have s*x. You can just walk into emergency, if you're serious.

    God bless, hope that helps.

  3. You could. My sister is bipolar and she has mood swings. Like she will be laughing and having a good time and then she screams at you for laughing with her or something stupid.  So I'm not sure if you do or not, it seems you get angry easily, but that's not all of being bipolar. Oh and even if your parents don't bring you anywhere for help, try going to a school counselor for help. I know its not always what you want to do, but its help right? Hope I could be some help!

  4. Hey! I think you may just feel like no one is listening and

    be angry and that is normal. It is especially normal if you

    feel neglected and hurt by those around you. With Bipolar

    you go into deep depression but also really high highs.

    I don't think your symptoms sound like Bipolar. I think if

    you kept a journal and wrote out all your feelings that

    would help. If you are in high school maybe go to the

    counselor for help too. The good news is soon you will

    be an adult and have your own life and things will get

    a lot better for you. Hope you feel better soon :) God Bless You!

  5. I don't have the answers, but I do commend you for reaching out for help, even if through this. It's hard dealing with the feelings that you are. I've dealt with depression through the years, and it isn't easy. I hope you get the help you need. I'm pulling for you.

  6. Do have a responsible adult that you can confide in? Could this adult take you to a Health centre, do you need your parents to take you  or can someone else take you to the hospital or medical centre?

  7. People use that word "bipolar" way too much these days.  I think you are just angry at your parents.  They obviously are very self centered, so you need to learn to live your live somewhat separately from them.  They aren't going to change.  You don't need drugs, you need self confidence.  You need to make friends, and work hard at keeping them.  That's your only hope.

    As for the fractured heel... go to an emergency room at a Catholic hospital.  St. Whatever.  They might call your parents, but if you need medical treatment, you will get it.  If your parents can't afford to pay for it, or you don't have insurance, they can apply for financial assistance.

    You are old enough to take yourself there, although they might ask your parents to come and sign something authorizing them to treat you.  Show that you intend to survive, whether they care about you or not, and that will do wonders for your self-esteem.

  8. I don't think you have a problem. It sounds more like it's your parents that have the problem.

    You need assistance. If you go to church, you could talk to a pastor in your church. If not, the best place to start maybe would be your school counselor.

  9. Sweetie, I dont think you are bi-polar.  There are a handfull of people (myself included) that get depressed over living in such a tecno, self-absorbed world.  All the TV shows just show-case s****s and everyone is just obbssesd with technology to the point  want to puke.  I think its wonderful that you are more comfortable is a simple, natural setting.  When you are 18 and on your own you can go out there and customize your lifestyle so that you feel more connected to the world and life itself, not just all the superficial things within it.  Maybe you are an old soul..  :}}  Im sorry your parents are so uncaring, that sucks.  As a mom, that breaks my heart to hear.  I think that is just addnng to your being down about the whole living in a crazy society thing.  Thats an awful big load on one 15 year-old's shoulders.  Hang in aernt alone.  Soon enough you will be free to escape all the things that upset you.  There seems to be a LOT of good intentions in you but you lack in support.  Id go to curch youth group or something where you can possibly find someone older who can help channel the good quallities in you into something positive since your parents are too pre-occupied to.  Maybe look into joining the Peace Corps.  Just hang in there, your not bi-polar.  

  10. You don't mention a mania phase, which is part of a bipolar diagnosis. Depression is rage turned inward and it sounds like there is reason enough for your rage. As a problem, depression is very treatable. You need someone or a group to talk to and vent your anger instead of letting it eat you up.

  11. Hey there, Jason. I'm fourteen years old and I would consider myself to be a little more mature than your average teenager, too. As I read your question, I couldn't help but compare myself to you; we're so alike. I'd love to go into detail and tell you how cool you sound but I shouldn't because I'm here to answer a question. I think the root of your problem lies within your family life. It sounds as though your mother is neglecting you and your father is a terribly angry man (like my father!). I must ask you, when was the last time you felt loved? I seriously believe that you need somebody to talk to about how you feel and I don't think the people to talk to are your parents, because even if you attempted to communicate with them, they wouldn't listen. Is there a psychologist at your school or do you have any close friends? If not, you can talk to me. Despite my apparently young age, I've experienced so much in life and I'm a seriously great listener! I must firstly tell you that your fractured heel must be attended to, before the condition of your heel rapidly deteriorates. If your mother won't book you a doctor's appointment, you should book one yourself or check yourself into the hospital after school or something! Anything! Whilst they're checking your heel, you could ask to talk to somebody professional about the fact that you are beginning to question your mental health. There was a period in my life where I was convinced that I was bi-polar, too but I was wrong; I was just severaly depressed! It doesn't sound as though you have bi-polar disorder because the symptoms of it are not evident or apparent. You could possibly be suffering from severe depression or some sort of anxeity disorder (I noted how you become angry and sweaty.) Whatever it is that you have, you need to speak to somebody more professional than myself about it because it's evidently affecting and bothering you. Your parents don't sound as though they can help you but perhaps somebody else can. I think your mum and dad are unaware of the fact that their son is extremely intelligent, responsible, mature and one of the coolest guys around. It's a shame you live so far away because if you didn't, I'd befriend you immediately! I can only give you the aforementioned advice and wish you the absolute best of luck with your very bright future, young man. ps. I also find it sickening how our society is so involved in the latest technology, politics, religion and media (to the point of stupidity.)

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