
Could I have a malpractice case?

by  |  earlier

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For many years I have had panic disorder, and I've also had trouble sleeping and Ive woken up countless times during the night feeling like I was suffocating. My doctor always told me that it was just because of the panic disorder and he never ordered any kinds of tests at all. My lack of deep sleep has pretty much ruined my life, I never have any energy, I always feel sick all day long. I saw someone else recently who wants me to get screened for sleep apnea, if it turns out that I do have sleep apnea could I have a case against my old doctor for passing it off as anxiety for years?




  1. You can probably find a lawyer to take a case like that.

  2. You probably dont have a chance for a Malpractise case.

  3. Are you permanently injured or disabled from the so-called misdiagnosis??!! NO!!

    In order to sue, you need to have physical proof that what your previous doctor DID/DID NOT do, caused you irreversible bodily damage or death.

    Its frivolous lawsuits like this that make it hard for those who have legitimate cases.  

  4. I can't believe you are even asking this ridiculous question.  Take some responsibility for yourself.  If you thought that was an incorrect diagnosis you could've gotten a second opinion.  Especially if this is causing you so many problems

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