
Could I have adult ADD?

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I have an extremely hard time finishing anything, and I am always trying to do several things at once. I tend to get impatient and frustrated easily, and I cannot sit still for long periods of time. I am always interrupting people, and I forget things constantly. I am never on time, no matter how hard I try, because something always gets me off track. I am always saying things before thinking, and I usually regret them later. My husband does not believe in medicating for anything really, but I am getting more and more depressed because of the things I mentioned above. Could I have ADD, and if so, what should I do?




  1. it sounds like it. you should go see a doctor. i have the same problem with ADD so i think it very possible you have it.

    Good luck

  2. It's a long way, but as in racing a marathon we have to give the first step and then one by one till the target. I agree with your husband, medication probably will not solve your problems. You want to change, this is the first and the most important step. Now go ahead, but I suggest you, ask for help, it's much more easier. A good therapist and read the appropriate books. I read one that helped a lot and is changing my life, it's called The Power of the Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent Peale. I didn't just read it, I studied it for several times. He teach several techniques for each of our problems that really work. You already have the power you need, you just have to find this power into yourself and use it in a positive way. If you put ADD on your mind and keep thinking you have it, probably you will have serious problems. Put it out of your mind, you have several good ways to improve.

    Good luck.

  3. First of all, if you have ADD, you want the answer now!  Reading a book won't work, you won't finish it.  It took me a long time to figure out why I did those things and why I couldn't change it.  There are ways to work with ADD, but part of ADD is not finishing things...they usually don't work.  I went to the doctor and he put me on Strattera.  It is a non-stimulant medication that doesn't have the ups and downs of the stimulants.  It is the BEST thing I ever did.  I don't bite my fingernails after 33 years, i have lost weight and stuck to a diet, I can complete projects without taking numerous breaks, I can actually remember where I am going.  I am much more organized and can complete tasks when they need to be completed.  I dont talk all the time and I dont interupt people anymore.  I would suggest talking to your doctor.  I did mine and he brought my wife in to talk to her.  When I found out how it affected my relationship with her and my children, I realized I needed help.  This was the best thing I ever did!!!

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