
Could I have an eating disorder?

by  |  earlier

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Okay, I asked a question just before about my weight, and got feedback.

But now i need more answers.


Height: 5'4"

weight: 97 lbs

Waist: 23 inch

Hips: 30inch

Ribs: 26 inch

Thighs: 17.5 inch

b***s: 34 inch

I would like to lose 4 inches off my thighs, and 2 of my waist and perhaps a bit more.

I would like to be 81 lbs as soon as I can.

For the past 6 months, I have been fasting, and calorie counting.

Also, (i will not list how often) i have binged and purged..

Don't judge me, but please answer..




  1. This is definitely an eating disorder. Your Body Mass Index is way underweight. Binging and purging are two symptoms of bulimia. Fasting is a symptom of anorexia. This can make you very sick and leads to premature death.... I am not judging, but I really think you should get help, whether it's from a website, a doctor, or your parents. I hope I could help.

  2. You need to see a doctor. You definitely have an eating disorder. Please see a doctor ASAP. I hope I helped, and God Bless. :)

  3. yes, possibly, if you have thrown up..if its once twice or everyday, u have an eating disorder...and the hard truth, seek helo maybe..

    answear mine??;...

  4. Yes, you have an eating disorder.

    At 5'4 you should weigh at least 110 lbs.

  5. i think you very skinny, very very very skinny, considering im 5'5 and 136 lbs, my goal is 120 and i think you should at least be 108lbs min. but thats just my opinion.  

  6. Yes. It sounds a lot like you do have an eating disorder. It sounds like anorexia, because you fast and count calories. But depending on how often you binge and purge, it could be bulimia. (Three times a week is the guideline for diagnosing a bulimic.) I would tell a doctor or someone you trust about this. I know that this is easier said than done but please try. They will help you and you do need and deserve the help.

    I am a purger. Something that I try to remember when I am about to purge is this. Never ever in the history of the world has there been another you. Never ever ever in the future of the universe will there be a carbon copy of yourself. That makes you priceless. Think of yourself as a precious and rare diamond. You would never hurt a diamond right? It's too valuable. Just like the diamond you are too valuable to spend your days fasting and purging away you body. Respect your body because if you keep doing this, then your body will decided when it's had enough. You don't decide that. Eating disorders are usually about control, but you can't control when you die. You can only control yourself by getting help.

    I really really hope that you take my advice and get the help that you deserve.

    Good luck.

    - Lindsey

    P.S. - I really hope that I didn't come off as judgemental. That's not at all what I mean't to do...

  7. I'm sorry to say this honey, but yes you do have an eating disorder. I am exactly the same as you, except for me it's more like the past 4 years. Please get help now. I know I sound like a hypocrite, cos I couldn't do it and i'm asking you to. I know how hard it is, but you can do it.

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