
Could I have anemia???

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see im 13 yrs old. and i eat alot of iron i think?? and my period was a week ago . Ive been getting dizzy for about three days what could this probablybe?? im scared and sometimes i can barely breathe.can i have anemia???




  1. ur always asking health problems.

    why dont u see a doctor?

    if u cant breath, why r u typing?

    tell ur mom u want to see a dr.

  2. You could be -- symptoms stack up: young females, having periods, feeling dizzy, can't breathe.

    You should ask Mom to make an appointment with the doctor.  A very simple blood test will determine if you are enemic.

    If you ARE, the chances are this it is what is called Iron Deficiency Anemia.  This is VERY common in women of all ages who are menstruating.

    Diet can sometime help, but sometimes you also need iron supplements.  The doctor can advise you on what is best for you.


    Anemia is having too few red blood cells. Red blood cells carry oxygen in your system.  If you have too few red blood cells you FEEL like you can't breath. This also makes you dizzy.

    In severe cases, this will make you feel "foggy", like you can't think clearly or are a little confused.  This is becasue your brain is not getting enough oxygen because you don't have enough red blood cells.

  3. see a doctor...they will be able to do a blood test to find out.

  4. Anemia Causes, Symptoms & Treatments:

  5. no, your just growing

  6. You could be have low blood sugar check with your DR.

  7. honey are you stressed out about anything?sounds like you are having sypmtoms of anxitey get dizzy,feel like you can not breathe,heart racing,palms sweating.etc.i really think there is something causing you too stress too much and is causing these anxitey attacks.

  8. anemia would have nothing to do with not being able to breathe.  

    you might be having anxiety or panic attacks tho, they can make you dizzy and make you feel like you cant breathe (along with other things).

    you might also just be malnourished or dehydrated.

  9. When you have your period you lose blood which carries oxygen in the red blood cells. You have to take in much more iron than you usually do. When you said you think you take in enough iron, I am doubtful. If you are weary of taking in iron rich foods use a supplement.  

  10. You're probably not anemic unless you've lost a lot of blood recently. I have a menstrual problem to where I rarely STOP bleeding, and I have to take prenatal vitamins because they have the most iron in them. If you're worried go get some iron tablets, you can get them at GNC or WalMart.

    I'm sure you're fine though honey... :-)


  11. its probably not anemia, but if youre worried you can go to the doctor and ask them, they can find out easy!

  12. Don't think so, but you should go and see a doctor, blood tests will comfirm it.

  13. young girls that are menstrating usually have anemia, I DO!!! its not really major in me cause i dont feel tired (or atleast i dont think so). urs maybe be more serious so i sugest going to the doctor then they will send u to get  blood tested

  14. it could be but i would go see a doctor because if you feel like you cant breath it could be something more serious than anemia
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