
Could I have gotten pregnant??

by  |  earlier

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My period is semi-regular...for a few months it will come AROUND the same date, but sometimes if i'm stressed or whatever it could definitely be late. I wouldn't say it's radically irregular, but certainly not regular. Anyway, my period started on August 20th and ended about the 27/28th. On the 30th my boyfriend and I had s*x three times. We used Durex condoms and he pulled out before ejaculation. My question is: Is it totally irrational for me to think I could be pregnant? Was I fertile that day? and how reliable was our birth control method? Thanks for all your help!




  1. 10th to the 18th day from the day your period  begins is fertile.

    also it is not necessary that fusion takes place the same day.i.e the ova and sperm may meet up the next day.

    your birthcontrol methods are safe bt not fool pfoof.

  2. thats EXACTLY wat happened to me

    and i was pregnant,,,sorry honey


  3. I do not think you are pregnant.  Sounds like you got lucky this time.  I think it takes two weeks to ovulate.  And with the condom and pullling out, I don't think you should worry.  Wouldn't it be nice if all men would get vascectomies?  Sure would make the world an easier place for women.

  4. Be proud of how responsible you are.  Odds are you are not pregnant.  If you stress about it, you will be late or irregular.  Our minds can play tricks on us.  HUGS!!

  5. I used a condom, did the pull out AND im on the pill AND I STILL GOT PREGNANT! LOL so anything is possible, ur not being irrational at all.

    I know one girl who got pregnant and she never had s*x at all, just messed around abit.

  6. Your not pregnant.

  7. No you are not very fertile that day. You are fertile like 7 days after your period. You are not pregnant. If you stress about being pregnant all the time then you shouldn't be having s*x. Stressing about being pregnant can bring about symptoms of pregnancy. It makes things worse. I would also recommend going on the pill. It is more safe especially if you plan on continuing to have s*x. Condoms are not 100% reliable.  

  8. I think you pretty well covered all your bases.  It's possible to get pregnant right after your period, but for most women, it's not the "ideal" baby-making time.  You can always test if your period is week late.  I doubt you are pregnant, though.

  9. Normally you ovulate about 2 weeks after the first day of your period. It wouldnt seem that you could be pregnant, but every cycle is different, and you can never really count anything out. I would say you are not pregnant, but if you are truley worried about it, wait to see if your period starts around the time you think , then test. I really dont think its likely that you are, but much luck to you hun!!! Hope it turns out how you want :-)

  10. It is pretty unlikely you got pregnant from that, especially since you used condoms and he pulled out before ejaculation.  Plus it was literally right after your period.  I don't think you were highly fertile that day, but you would need to track it yourself to be sure when your fertile days will be.  The best type of method is doubling up on birth control.  You can use condoms and the birth control pill, or the nuva ring, etc to really decrease the chances of pregnancy.

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