I had a baby 4 months ago, and I also have a lively and quite challenging 3 year old. As the months have gone on, I have become increasingly more exhausted, and am losing my rag A LOT at my 3 year old and husband. I fly into terrible rages, and almost forget what I have done afterwards.
My husband is terribly worried that my behaviour is having a very adverse effect on our 3 year old (I am worried too, hence posting this on here). I cannot cope with even the smallest misdemeanour. I know it is unrealistic to expect our little boy to be quiet, calm and compliant all the time. But I can't cope if he isn't.
I have headaches quite a lot, and am making mistakes too. I am someone who is quite a perfectionist and was always quite fastidious about everything.
The reason I thought maybe I didn't have PND is that I have really bonded with my little baby. He is docile, placid and has a content disposition. He is no trouble at all, and I am breastfeeding him etc. I am calm and feel OK when it is just me and him.
However, I seem unable to cope with my eldest son. I am so tired, and the poor little mite obviously doesn't understand why I am so irritable. I am wondering what I can do to make things more manageable. I do not like the idea of prescribed medication like ant-depressants.