I got onto a rowing machine at the college gym, strapped my feet into position, and then realised the person using it before me had left the handlebar up. I made a disgruntled statement about this so the student rowing next to me heard, and as I was making a deliberate futile attempt at displaying how I couldn’t reach the handlebar, the large student rowing on my left gave me a sudden push forward on the middle left of my back without warning. I was already leaning forward and felt (not heard) two crackles to the left of my lower back in the hipline region.
I heard for the most part, especially ligaments, there is very little pain from a completely ruptured piece of connective tissue, and that there would likely be significant bruising from a muscle or tendon tear, but none from a ligament tear, as they are not very vascular. Also a joint subluxation doesn't nessessarily have pain either. I don't think it was the vertebral column, remember, it was the left of lower back. Thank you.