
Could I have social phobia, and what do teachers think of me?

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I do not talk at school. When called to answer a question in class I choke up and blush, even thought I always know the answer. I have few friends, and I'm often seen walking the halls alone, sitting by myself before class and reading during social activities. I am intelligent, near the top of the class, but I just don't talk. I'm too afraid of messing up.

How do teachers see me? As unintelligent? As defiant? Or what?

Could I have social phobia?




  1. aw :( don't worry, i knew a few gals like you in high school and they eventually came out of their shell after college and jobs and everything. i was a lot the same way up until high school when i joined junior rotc. i became an officer and a commander and was put in the position to lead, direct, manage, and teach and now i'm just not shy anymore. i still get anxiety about public speaking and i'm afraid i'll say the wrong thing to people (to be honest i'm kinda awkward, my niceness makes up for it)...but after fretting about it one day i just made up my mind not to have regrets about anything. sometimes i know i said something silly or dorky but i just tell myself, that's me, it's who i am, and i'm not going to regret who i am. i would suggest getting out there and doing something out of your comfort works!

  2. You are probably pretty normal but you have a self esteem problem. You are a child of God and God does not make junk so begin to think of yourself as having worth. Most people are afraid of public speaking but the fear comes from what you think others will think of you if you mess up. You may have been laughed at when you were in second grade and made a mistake and now you are afraid it will happen again.  Fear of public speaking is fear of punishment; that is fear of someone making fun of you. Only you can correct this. If you know the answer or you do not, speak up. For every question you have there are probably ten others in the class with the same question but afraid to speak up. You sound like you have a lot on the ball. Believe in yourself. Audiences are sympathetic with the speaker. If you are nervous, they are too. If you are confident, they are too. Bottom line is they want you to succeed. Hope this helps

  3. It certainly sounds like a social phobia.

    Your teachers most likely think that you need to come out of your shell.

    Best wishes with that. Remember that everyone messes up at times so don't worry too much about that.

  4. They see you as a shy, intelligent individual. If you're grades are high, they won't think of you as stupid.

    I have been like you all of my life (actually, I'm getting over it gradually.)

    I never spoke. I had almost no friends until 4th grade. My teachers always liked me, probably because I was quiet, therefore didn't cause trouble.

    Don't worry, most teachers like the quiet ones.

    But they also tend to worry about them, so don't give them any reason to think you are depressed.

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