
Could I just go up and pet a single African Wild Dog(Or as they call them Painted Wolves) in the wild???

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This might be really dumb of me to ask, but just courious again. lol

Can you domesticate them aswell, I mean they are part of the dog family.




  1. No. You wouldn't get close enough to pet it - it would run at the first sight or scent of you. African wild dogs, like wolves, are shy and wary of humans and will avoid them whenever possible. There is no record of either of these species attacking humans (except for rabid individuals).

    Despite what one of your answers said, lone wolves and wild dogs certainly do occur. An individual which wishes to find a mate must leave its birth pack to do so, since the pack is basically an extended family and the youngsters will therefore be related to all the other pack members. This individual will therefore wander alone for a while whilst in search of a mate. When it finds another loner of the opposite s*x, the two will mate and start a new pack.

    Wild dogs can be domesticated to a degree - like wolves, the ancestor of the domestic dog, they are pack animals, which means they can be raised from a young age to see a human as pack leader. However, all wild animals will always retain their wild instincts, however tame they may appear, and are unpredictable. They should not be kept as pets. Even truly domesticated animals can never really be trusted - just look at how many people are killed by domestic dogs every year, and they have been domesticated for thousands of generations.

  2. If you want to die, please go ahead. And there's no such thing as a single Wild dog/wolf in the wild. EVER. They're always in packs. The only lone wolves are skeletons in the ground. And you can't domesticate them b/c they grow up wild and can't suppress their instincts, which is most likely to hurt people they perceive as a threat.

  3. Just because an animal is a part of the dog family, doesn't mean they can be domesticated.

    If you find a Painted Wolf in the wild, DO NOT go up and touch it. They are wild animals that are not comfortable around people.

    I don't believe you can domesticate them, and if you could, it would be very hard to. I have never heard of someone domesticating a Painted Wolf before, mainly because they were never meant to.


  4. They have an award for people who do stuff like that.

    It's called the Darwin Award.  It is, though, by its nature, hard to collect in person.  You should look it up.

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