
Could I keep any fish in a 9 litre tank without filtration?

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Could I keep any fish in a 9 litre tank without filtration?




  1. no, because 9 litres is 2 1/4 gallons and 2 1/4 gallons is too small. 5g/20l minimum for bettas, and they should have a filter.  

  2. a betta and maybe a goldfish but i suggest a bigger tank with filtration if your going to get other types of fish!

  3. No you can't I had five in a bigger tank with a filter and they practically all died

  4. nope

  5. I have successfully had a betta in a tank like that and the fancy guppies I have also had. The fancy guppies will even breed if you get both sexes so you might want to have a second tank and raise some...if you keep the parents with the babies they will eat them.

  6. I have marbles in mine with no problems.

  7. yes you can keep a betta fish (only 1 lol)

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