
Could I keep three cherry barbs and two white cloud mountain minnows in a five-gallon, filtered tank?

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The tank is an Eclipse Corner Five. I don't mind doing frequent water changes and other aquarium maintenance. Would I need a heater for these fish? If I couldn't keep these fish, what could I have besides a betta?




  1. Well, which would you rather have? They can not both go in there because the minnows are cold water and the cherry barbs are tropical and need a heater. You can either get the minnows and another small cold water fish like zebra danios or rummy nose tetras. Or you can keep the cherry barbs and instead or minnows get(Since you said no matter how much they kick a_ss, lol!) and get male guppies or platys or a male sword tail(Male sword tails tend to be aggressive to one another, so in that size tank, only 1 male) You can get some females of each type, but be prepared to be overrun with babies! Or 1 dwarf gouramis could also go in there. With live bearers it is best to have 1 male for every to females so the females do not get to stressed by males always following them wanting to mate! Only choose 1 other species tho because of the size of the tank. Also, instead of the minnows you can also have 4 african dwarf frogs!

  2. i wouldn't put those in there because they are schooling fish. you could get 1 big male betta and like 1 or 2 correy catfish.

    or just get a 10 gallon and put whatever fish you want in there.

  3. You would need a heater for the Cherry Barbs, White Clouds are temperate so wouldn't be bothered either way. You would be better off with 5 of either one rather than a mix, they both shoal.

    Alternative choice other than a Betta?

    3X Dwarf Cory

    4X Neon Tetra

    4X Glowlight

    You would need a heater.

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