
Could I make it in England?

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I have dreamed about getting out of the USA and to England since I was 8... I have no doubts about being happy there. My only concern is the finances. I hear it has gotten pretty epensive there. I don't necessarily want to live in London. I don't know if that makes much of a difference. So my question is, being an upper-middle class girl in the United States, would that be enough to make it in England?




  1. idk

  2. yer u could be a hooker come and se  me i will pay u

  3. Being allowed to stay is just the first hurdle, it depends on your skillset as to whether you would be allowed to and whether you could succeed and be happy.

    Do you mean 'England' or like most Americans 'Britain'? There are big differences, though not as big as the Cornish traveller thinks. Scotland may or may not end up with independence, but its many, many years from coming in, if ever. But the notion that the Scottish economy would fall apart and house prices tumble when no longer tied to England is of course the sort of attitude that pushes Scotland closer to that day! The smaller country of Norway isn't even in the European Union and yet does just fine...

  4. because of mass immigration over the past few years, it is now very difficult for non European Citizens to move to the UK to live and work.

    you will have to go through a points sytem for highly skilled immigrants to gain a visa to live and work here. So basically if you do not have a skill we are in desperate need of in this country you will not be granted a Visa.

    so your problem is not finances when you get here, you are going to have major problems just getting here.

    also, i seriously advise you take a few vacations here and travel around, because the England you think exists, really does not. This country is getting over crowded, Violent attacks and stabbings are on the increase, as is povety, pollution, there are not enough houses and jobs for everyone, and it is incredibly expensie to live here.

    it's getting so bad for some people, that alot of Britons are just packing up and leaving for Australia and Europe.

    if your not Rich, England is a really bad place to live.

    upper-middle class American wealth would probably turn into border line poverty here because of your weak currency

  5. no you couldnt make it in england mate!!!

    my 1 bedroom apartment costs me the equivalent of 4000.00 USD a month so no!!!

    not with your puny american wealth

  6. Most of the English are trying to leave.

    You're best options are to try the other British nations:

    -Cornwall is the closest to London, has the advantage of far less people and stunningly beautifull scenery and laid back people.

    House prices are high but local food is cheap.

    -Wales is the next closest, has friendly people and a large surface area, allowing you more choice than Cornwall in finding the ideal home and community.

    -N.Ireland - youd need to research as I'm not sure.

    -Republic of Ireland is a seperate country to the UK and therefore controls it's own economy and uses the Euro as it's currency. This would be the best bet for you to find a cheaper way of life as well as stunning surroundings.

    -Isle of Man. I wouldn't bother. Although very pretty and with lovely people it is quite remote and very expensive to live there.

    and Finally

    -Scotland, the furthest from London. It is on the verge of gaining independence from the UK and in the respect I would avoid it seeing as the house prices are likely to drop rapidly once that happens.

    It is beautifull and has so much about it to discover but it's not worth the risk at the moment.

    I hope this has helped =]

  7. wow! i've always dreamed of leaving england and moving to america! wanna life swap lol?

    seriously, when you say make it, i take it you mean moving here for good and settling down. Yes stuff is expensive, but we get paid more, so relatively it's not that bad. If you can't afford to buy a house/flat, then rent.

    I live in a shared house, all girls. I saw an ad in the local paper, the landlord has loads of houses, we have a cleaner and a gardener and it's great. It's also a way of meeting people as you all live together.

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