
Could I now be addicted to TV as an escape mechanism? I stay inside all day- wasting my life away, help?

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I used to be addicted to acohol- beat that (after rehab now over 2 years sober) then adict of pain pills- went on Suboxone (over 1 year almost2) is that too long on Sub? Now I lack desire. I stay inside, can't go get a job because I feel my social skills are poor now from years inside. I thought getting "clean" meant a great new life, yet at least before I worked, went out for movies and such. I no longer even clothes shop- my mate buys me clothes and jewelry etc..even food, I would starve otherwise. I want to help my mom, return to school and work as I am broke. I lost my dream of being an actor after I was abused in Los Angeles, now back in hometown and a am a lazy slob! I fear a loss of my looks yet don't exercise. Basically I was seeing a shrink but no money to go now. I do suffer depression but this is getting ridiculous. I take Lexapro, so why am I still so apathetic? I feel like I might as well be dead sometimes because I lost so much. Anyone know a way to "snap out of it" ? I am 35 but look 25 cause I get no sun exposure. I used to be smart and fun. I no longer even get together with friends, like I lost all energy for life, but still hope I can change somehow. Could the Suboxone be part of the problem? or am I just used to the safety of home?




  1. The only one who can fix it is you.

    You are the one who has to get out there and somehow find the confidence to get your life back.

    It seems like you have great friends, so it shouldn't be TOO hard.

    You only live one life.

    When you die and your life flashes before your eyes, make sure it's worth watching.

    Good luck :)

  2. I'm no expert, but you wanted an opinion. This may sound weird, but here's what I want you to do: volunteer for a charity so you can help other people. Go out and help build a house for Habitat for Humanity. I don't care if you have no experience with such things. Just do it. You are stuck in a rut and your mate is helping you stay stuck. Get off all the drugs because I think that is part of the problem. You got off alcohol, which is a big deal. I know you can accomplish anything you want because of that. You just need to have a reason to get off your butt. You're almost there now, I can tell. You'll do it when you're really ready to, just like when someone finally decides to lose a lot of weight. They finally say, "Enough!", and then they do it. Set a goal for yourself for tomorrow. One thing you WILL do. Doesn't have to be difficult, but it does have to be something different that you've wanted to do but haven't. Then do it. Then set another goal and do that. Learn something new. Remember what you used to like doing or wanted to do when you were a kid. Then go do it, even if it seems silly. It's all about breaking out of the habit and getting into a better position in your life. Go for it, and good luck, girl!

  3. Addictions are easily substituted.  I have known alcoholics to become bingo addicts, even exercise addicts.  Find a local support group, that will get you out.  Even if you go and sit in the public library for a while.  Start small.  Walk around the block.  If you stay in you will develop other problems, such as anxiety/fear of leaving your home.  Good luck to you!  (psychology professor)

  4. start gradually. for starters, try going out together with your mate for shopping or even for a walk or whatever.

    then, try getting a job. first, something simple, maybe, like taking care of a child or anything you think you could do easier.

    and then you can do the rest.

    good luck.

  5. I am you! I have an addictive personality. Been hooked on drugs and alcohol, and with everything I gave up, I needed to replace it with another addiction. It was food for awhile, then gambling, and now I'm addicted to TV. My television is never off if I'm home. I can't sleep without it on. When I go out, turning it off is the last thing I do, and turning it on is the first thing I do when I come home. I also suffer from depression, and I'm being treated with medication and therapy. I don't think you're apathetic, I think you're dysthemic (look it up). Like you, I would really love to find something that would me happy to be alive. My catalyst for this depression is 2 years of medical problems and many surgeries. I was almost dead, and they saved me. The problem is, I don't  know why I was saved. I haven't really been alive since that experience. Good luck to you.

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