
Could I plz have some info on Mt Hekla?

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1. When was the last time it erupted?

2. Some details of the eruption

3. Say ur a journalist, what would be a good heading for an article that is about Mt Hekla erupting recently. ( it didn't. Just say it did.)




  1. 1. 26 February 2000

    2. On 26 February, Iceland's most famous volcano, Mt. Hekla, began erupting at 1819 GMT. The seismic networks of the Science Institute, University of Iceland and the Iceland Meteorological Office recorded a short-term precursory earthquake activity. A seismograph near the summit of Hekla beginning at 1700 detected small earthquakes. The National Civil Defense of Iceland issued a warning, and the public was alerted. Thunder, lightening, and earth tremors accompanied the eruption. A 6-7 km long fissure appeared and a steam column rose nearly 15 km (45,000 feet) into the sky. A discontinuous curtain of fire emanated from the entire fissure. The lava flows down the slopes of Hekla and covers a large part of the Hekla ridge. One lava stream flowed from the eruptive fissure towards the north. A more active lava stream emanates from three craters near the southern end of the eruptive fissure. On February 27, this lava stream was several kilometers long and was advancing at a rate of about a meter per minute. The Coast Guard reported that the new lava covers a stretch of about 3-4 km at its longest. The maximum thickness of the ash sector, 21 km north of the volcano, was 4-5 cm when measured 7 hours after the onset of the eruption. Most of the ash fell in uninhabited areas in the interior of Iceland. The eruption reached its peak intensity in the first hour of the activity. Presently, the lava flows and ash fall pose little danger to human settlement. Geologists said the activity could continue for about a month. Icelanders in the Middle Ages called the volcano the "Gateway to h**l."

    Source Volcano world

    3. Strato Volcano eruption threatens year without summer.

  2. 1.)......When was the last time it erupted?

    On the night of the 15th of September, two new openings were formed — one on the eastern, and the other on the southern slope — from both of which lava was discharged for twenty-two hours. It flowed to a distance of upwards of twenty miles, killing many cattle and destroying a large tract of pasturage. Twelve miles from the crater, the lava-stream was between forty and fifty feet deep and nearly a mile in width. On the 12th of October a fresh torrent of lava burst forth, and heaped up another similar mass. The mountain continued in a state of activity up to April 1846; then it rested for a while, and began again in the following month of October. Since then, however, it has enjoyed repose.

    2. Some details of the eruption

    (the details are above (some of them are)

    More here:.......

    The effects of these eruptions were disastrous. The whole island was strewn with volcanic ash, which, where they did not smother the grass outright, gave it a poisonous taint. The cattle that ate of it were attacked by a murrain, of which great numbers died. <This has since been attributed to fluoride poisoning caused by presence of large quantities of hydrogen fluoride in the ash.> The ice and snow, which had gathered about the mountain for a long period of time, were wholly melted by the heat. Masses of pumice weighing nearly half a ton were thrown to a distance of between four and five miles.

    3. Say ur a journalist, what would be a good heading for an article that is about Mt Hekla erupting recently. ( it didn't. Just say it did.

    Maybe , I am not sure.

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