
Could I possibly join my boyfriend's football team? ?

by  |  earlier

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Ok so I just thought of this:

Wouldn't it be a good idea for me to do football in college instead of cheerleading so my boyfriend and I could spend more time together?

I'm going to be a senior in high school this year and have been cheerleading for ages. I'm nearly 17. I'm 5'4 and 105 lbs.

My boyfriend is like starting college this year.

If I like practice during this year, can I like actually play college football next year?

I have some muscle from cheerleading but you can't see it.





  1. they will break u in half >_>.. u have to weight more

  2. lol to the guy above me

    like i like know right

  3. Like no. Your like to small.

  4. Are you nuts???  There is no way, on God's green earth, that a gal your size should even consider playing the game.  Unless you enjoy being one with the turf...

    Now if you want to play 2 hand touch, that's totally different!! LOL!!

  5. You are much too small to do it. It would be extremely hazardous for your health, and even then the chances of you even making the team is very low. What position could you play? You'd be at LEAST six inches shorter than anyone else and around eighty pounds lighter. The vast majority of those that will try out have been playing football for a long time, as opposed to one year. Physically, you can't match up. Experience wise, you are at a mass disadvantage. It just won't work and it isn't worth your time to try. You'll be able to spend much time with your boyfriend anyway- I certainly see my girl everyday despite my schedule. You'll be fine- just do what you're good at it.

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