
Could I put ice in front of my fan to simulate air conditioning?

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Could I put ice in front of my fan to simulate air conditioning?




  1. I will go with no.

    You will spend more money on ice.

    And, you will have water all over the place.

    Replace the unit.  It will be cheaper in the long run.

  2. Certainly can. Also a wet towel will do. In Arizona they use wet bails of straw and suck air through it to cool whole house. Kewl question!!!!

  3. I did that my last year of highschool.  It worked.  Thing is real air conditioning reduces humidity in the area while melting ice increases it.  You can end up with puddles on the floor so you need lots of towels and you will need to close off all potential air leaks into the area.  My room at the time was about 8 feet by 12 feet which is small and it took a lot of ice.  I was in a relatively warm part of Canada at the time but since global warming has arrived the heat is more severe now than it was then.

  4. I used to have an old air "conditioner".  This thing sucked in outside air like they do now but  in the back of it was a ice compartment  where you dumped ice and it would suck the air in thru the ice and cool the house.  It actually worked very well but of course it doesn't take long for the ice to melt.  It probably would work better if you somehow put the ice behind the fan in your window instead of in front of it. Also, instead of ice cubes that would melt a lot quicker...use an ice block.  Would take much longer to melt.  They sell ice blocks the same as bags of ice cubes at any convenience store around here. Maybe they do where you live as well.

  5. put it in the back of the fan.

  6. Yes, but it won't last very long!  I've done this before!

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