
Could I ride a 13.1 hand pony, when I weigh 130 pounds?

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I am looking at a 13.1 hand welsh pony, and I weigh 130 pounds and am about 4'11 (Im almost 15 though) . Do you think I am too big for this pony, in the pictures he is carrying a bigger rider, but I wanted to ask wether or not I am just too big for him.




  1. He could but in the long term it might cause back damage.  It would be better for you to invest in a larger horse that when you get old and stop growing you will still be able to ride.

  2. You could, but I'd advise a little bigger.  I weigh more, am 5'3", and ride a 14.2, sturdy, QH-build pinto mare.  She does awesome and prefers  me to her smaller riders--lets me catch her, is better behaved for me (not just because I am older and more experienced, but she actually likes me/we have bonded more).  The owner, dressage instructor, and a girl who formally rode her all said on different occasions, "That mare really likes you."  If she didn't like me on her back, her attitude/movements would be worse, I would assume, but she moves marvelous for me and has an excellent attitude when I ride her, as opposed to some younger, lighter girls.

    It would help to know the actual weight ratio, but Welshes are sturdy.  Again, though, it would be nice to know the horse's weight and to have a picture of you sitting on the horse.  Also, you will still grow a little, and your body will change.  So, I'd go with a 14+.

  3. He could handle it. Not extreme jumper stuff, but you would do better with a horse, or at least 14.hands

  4. I don't think so. My trainer occasionally rides this braty 13.2hh pinto mare when she si REALLY bad. She HAS to be around 130pounds if not a little more. The pony does fine. As long as you don't ride TO long (over 1hr. of hard riding or 2hrs. of light riding) he should be fine. Welshies are pretty strong anyways...the mare I am talking about is pretty petite and she does fine :)

    As long as you don't plan on showing in recognised shows you will be might looks a little odd if you do lol :D


  5. It depends on what your doing. For really hard stuff (lots of jumping/running or advanced dressage) then you might be a little big but otherwise I think your OK. As long as he has good conformation (short strong back ect..) and a well fitting saddle then I think your fine.

    Im 125lbs and use to ride a 13.2 welsh pony occasionally. I had to stop though because my legs were to long and it freaked him out. He was fun though and was trained by some one a little taller/heavier than you without a problem. She just never took him past 2' because as the jumps got higher it was more difficult for him to balance. Ponies have to get trained somehow and throwing the cute 75lbs girls on them is not going to get it done.

  6. I am 29 y/o, 6'0" and weigh 215.  I ride Paso Finos and they can be as small as 13.1 hands.  Generally they are between 13.2-15.2, with most being 13.3-14.1, and these horses have no problems.  I took a 14 hand tall mare out to wyoming for 2 weeks, rode her everyday, and the worse thing that happened to her, was she was kicked in the leg and was a bit sore for a day.  I don't know very many women that are 4'11" and grew after 15.  You may, but I would be surprised.  

    If you aren't going to jump competitively, or race it, the pony should hold up fine.


  7. yes, welsh ponies are sturdy, my friend had a 13.3hh Paso Fino (another sturdy horse) and  she let me and other people ride him all the time, and we weigh more than 130 pounds.

  8. For his sake, I would say on occasion for like 10 minutes max you could do a walk trot. He is very short and probably doesn't weigh very much. If you want a horse that you can ride harder, I would find something at least 15 hands high.

  9. I am pretty sure you could am 4'11" also and i have a 13.0 hand pony and i fit her perfectly. My trainer who weighs maybe 150 has ridden and jumped her and my 12.2 h pony.My trainer has also ridden my 13.2 hand pony and jumped her 3'. I think you would be fine and not to big even to show the pony.

  10. I'm sure the pony could carry the weight - yes. But please consider the fact that you are young, growing, and what you plan on doing with this pony. Is the value of this pony so great that you have to have it, knowing that you will probably be ending up selling it in a few months, to a year?

    I'd recommend something a little larger - maybe a 15 hh to a 15.3 hh horse =) Good luck!

  11. Get something a little larger

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