
Could I still be pregnant if the results were negative 3 weeks after protected intercourse?

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I had s*x with my boyfriend on June 4th, and we used a spermicidal condom that I'm pretty sure didn't break because I examined it afterwards. My last period was on May 21st, and I'm still waiting for my period. I took a pregnancy test on June 24th and it was negative. I haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy, other than the late period and some fatigue.

My period is not very regular, and only rarely do I get it at the exact time I'm supposed to. And my sleeping habits have been off lately, and I've been somewhat stressed, which I know can cause a delay in the period. But I'm worried because it hasn't come since the end of May, and I had s*x about two weeks after that. Even though I was protected during s*x and the test came out negative, could I still be pregnant? I also drank a lot of coffee right before taking the test, so could that have affected the results? Was it too early to take the test?




  1. Not likely.

  2. 8 cups.

    wow thats a lot of coffee.

  3. hi, you can get test of HCG that is a test from your blood and be trust, but you can not pregnant and there are many factors for you dont get period like:stres,anexity, and etc.also drink or dont drink coffee isnt cause of pregnancy,.dont worry you are not pregnant,

  4. I can't really say if your pregnant or not, but something I was taught is 'act as though your pregnant until you know otherwise'. Basically, stop drinking so much coffee in case you are pregnant. Your body might not react since your use to a lot of coffee. Plus every woman has different side affects to foods, drinks, smells, etc. Good luck! I know how scary it can be to have that fear! Please keep us posted with the result!

  5. It's unlikely that you are but I'm not saying you aren't. Many things affect a girls cycle. Like did you just change your diet, start exercising stop exercising, have a high stress level? You already know that though. You should go to the gyno though since you're sexually active. They would be able to help you more to determine the cause of your unusual cycle, and get you b.c. that's right for you.  And if you are prego, they can help you plan your best course of action. Otherwise test again.

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