I had s*x with my boyfriend on June 4th, and we used a spermicidal condom that I'm pretty sure didn't break because I examined it afterwards. My last period was on May 21st, and I'm still waiting for my period. I took a pregnancy test on June 24th and it was negative. I haven't had any symptoms of pregnancy, other than the late period and some fatigue.
My period is not very regular, and only rarely do I get it at the exact time I'm supposed to. And my sleeping habits have been off lately, and I've been somewhat stressed, which I know can cause a delay in the period. But I'm worried because it hasn't come since the end of May, and I had s*x about two weeks after that. Even though I was protected during s*x and the test came out negative, could I still be pregnant? I also drank a lot of coffee right before taking the test, so could that have affected the results? Was it too early to take the test?