
Could I still have it anyways?

by Guest56053  |  earlier

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I took the sugar glucose test,anemia test, and RH factor test today. I'm just waiting for the results now. I took a fourth one but I'm not sure what it's for. Anyways, I was concerned that I had preeclampsia because I was showing all the signs. When I first had my blood pressure taken it was 123/80. My doctor told me that it was higher than the last so she had it rechecked and it was 136/82 now. She checked my urine sample but it didnt have any protein in it. Could I still have preeclampsia?

She said if I start seeing spots then to call her.




  1. You could just have some transient high blood pressure. You may have been a little dehydrated as well.

    Here is a website about pre-e

  2. Generally it's not until your blood pressure gets over 140/90 that they start to get concerned. Certainly be on the lookout for any nasty signs and symptoms and stay in contact with your dr but I'd say at this stage you're okay if all the tests are fine. My blood pressure is higher than that recently and there is no problem. Hope that helps

  3. You sound like I did. I never got preeclampsia, but was always on the verge. If you see spots that means your blood pressure is spiking. A good way to check it without going to the doctor is to go to the drug store or Walmart where they have those cuff blood pressure machines (free) that you stick your arm in. If your urine is ok, then you are safe....this week anyway. Put your feet up and relax, that helps a lot.

  4. i sure hope they keep checking!! your question actually made me concerned!! ive been seeing spots and out of all of my appts. i have only had one episode when my blood pressure was normal!! and the doctor whom i hate tells me its all normal!! i know your pretty young so you have more of a chance of getting pre clampsia your doctor should just keep a good eye out let me know though!!

  5. I've had it twice and it's not fun! Just be sure to drink lots of water, stay away from salt, and try to stay off your feet!

    I don't know how far you are but if your farther along and going once a week your doctor should now be able to monitor it closely enough to where you can avoid anything serious. Try not to stress!

    Good luck and congrats on the baby

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