
Could I sue God for invasion of privacy under the EU human rights bill?

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Could I sue God for invasion of privacy under the EU human rights bill?




  1. for how much?

  2. you could if such a thing exsisted

  3. Wish that were true!

  4. As a lawyer I can say - no, you can't.

    Why? Because he is not a subject of judicial relationships.

  5. God would have shown you the way to the " underworld" before you appeared in court.

  6. Thou shall not take the name of the Lord thy god in vain.

  7. Have  a go!I have always wondered what He or She looked like!!

  8. do it!

  9. The European Convention on Human Rights only extends to member states.  Although God is omnipresent, he counts as extra vires and the Convention doesn't apply to him.  Privacy is not an absolute right under the Convention but is balanced by the rights of society to investigate and prosecute unlawful behaviour.  So if God wants to know what you're up to so he can decide which circle of h**l is most appropriate, his divine right takes precedence over yours.

  10. Could do if you could find him/her

  11. You can sue anybody if you have a reason, you can identify the person and a process server can serve the documents. Depending on your believes, you can try to serve the documents at the Kotel in Jerusalem, in Mecca or Medina, or at the Vatican. Good luck!

  12. If its an act of God then you cant sue anybody.

  13. You must believe in Him to say he is invading your privacy.  If you truly believed you wouldn't think of suing.

    Anyhow who would represent Him in court???  Who would take your case?...

    I'm getting as daft as the question going along with this fantasy!!!

  14. There is no god - end of story.

  15. You might as well, all the other avenues have already been tried. Oh and you could also sue the present Labour Government and the EU for loss of privacy as more and more cameras and thought police are placed and  recruited.

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