
Could I sue or will i get paid

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my 4yr old and 16yr sister and I who is 4 wks preggo drove past a chemical plant that just had an explosion last night. I called the goodyear chemical plant and they took my information. We were exposed to benzine. and have been coughing since last night.




  1. You sue the person who drove you past the chemical plant.  

    You sue them for your injuries - which, so far, are nothing.  

  2. If, in the future, you have medical problems, you may be able to sue.  However, you have to have demonstrable medical issues that can be directly attribuable to your exposure to the benzine.

  3. They are asking people to come back on Monday for the screen.

  4. ~~Because of the large corporation it is with so many shady things happening in todays world as far as the things Corporations get away with, I would suggest you speak with two or three different attorneys. You need to have the exposure documented (I think all of you should see a doctor immediately), then talk to attorneys. Sometimes there are time limits on claims,and what if God forbid you or your children had health problems down the road-without quick action you may not be protected. I certainly hope you have no further problems, and sincerely hope you don't have to worry about future health problems, but it is just too important to not protect you and your family at this point!~~

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