
Could I talk myself into hating chocolate? How?

by Guest59503  |  earlier

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Could I talk myself into hating chocolate? How?




  1. No but you can get hypnotized to not like it  

  2. that's not normal :)

  3. Why the h**l would you do that??

  4. Eat it with porridge.. yucks..

  5. no its impossible chocolate actually makes you feel better!!!!!

  6. Yeah, smell dog c**p while your eating chocolate for a month straight, eventually your sense of smell with take over and turn you off to it.

  7. lol, that is a cute question!  I've been trying for a bit now and it's just not working (as I'm sitting here eating chocolate).  I think the key is in limits and will power.  Just have chocolate once a week or on weekends.  Don't keep it in the house or go buy it at the corner store where it will probably be more expensive.

    If you find another way though, let me know...

    Good luck.

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