
Could I tell my family I'm bisexual (or g*y)?

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...when do you think it's a good time to tell them? I'm in my sophomore year of high school, and I'm nervous to tell them... I don't know how they'll re-act, and do you think they'll be more accepting if I say to them, "I'm bisexual" instead of saying "I'm g*y"?

How do I start telling them?

**I cannot change because that is what I like and if people think there isn't love they're wrong.




  1. You don't have to tell them just yet.. It might be easier if you wait until high school graduation or the day after. You have more independence then, at 18

  2. there is no "good time" or "bad time" to tell them. either way, they'll be shocked. but u need to bring it out in the open. (the earlier you do it is usually the better). do it now b4 u turn 30 when "all this time u've been acting staight when ur really bi". they're ur parents. they'll always love u. even if they don't act lik it.

  3. Well it depends on how they'll react if they're homophobic wait until you can support yourself financially before you tell them

  4. The best time to tell your family is when you're out of the house and no longer dependent upon them for food and shelter.

  5. Well sweetie, you know your family better than we do.  What do you think?  If you are sure that you are g*y (or do know they're different, right?) and you feel it's time for you to be honest with them -if it's something you need to do for your own self-acceptance and piece of mind, then by all means you should sit them down and have a heart-to-heart.  ...unless they are fanatical bible-thumpers and you think they may react by locking you in the basement and flogging you daily in order to break you from your wicked ways... then I'd keep it to myself.  :)  Good luck!  And good for you for being so self-aware!!! :)

  6. Well I came out to my family by talk to my mom (the parent that I am closer to) and told her that I was Bi. That was after I had joined the military and moved out though. She took it pretty well, I told her later that I was g*y, I found that it was easier to say that I was Bi and give her the hope that I might find some girl that I might like and tell her later that I was full out g*y. I found that it worked best that way cause than when she felt my dad was ready she told him...and I told my oldest sister and her husband they all were very open about which surpised me since they are devote Christians and we were all raised that being g*y was wrong so sometimes you never know how it will turn out. Let me close with this, if you feel that you need to get it off your chest by telling someone tell them and if they really love you it won't matter that you are g*y, bi, or staight. Hope all works out for you and let me know if you can.

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