
Could John McCain be any more transparent???

by Guest65891  |  earlier

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Isn't it obvious he's going after Clinton supporters by nominating a female VP candidate? How is this not pandering?




  1. All McCain has done in this campaign is pander.  What happened to the gas tax holiday idea?

  2. Did you listen to Obama last night?  And you don't think that was pandering?  Ugh.  I do congratulate him for keeping a straight face during his routine.  I though for sure he'd bust out laughing like the rest of us.

  3. sort of like obama going after the blue collar working class with his pick of Biden, right ?

  4. I have a feeling it will have the opposite effect, and this gets me excited. I think he may have blown it.

  5. NOPE! He couldn't be any more transparent. Republicans like McCain only care about being in power.

  6. He is pandering to the Oil Lobbies and to the Criminal, elected Official sector.

    She is under investigation for abuse of power!

  7. Yep.  That's what Candidate McCain does.  I'm not surprised he doesn't get down on his hands and knees and beg the American people to vote for him.

  8. and obama didn't pander to the older white male vote he was loosing with...

    McCains VP has the left worried?

  9. He's a freaken looser!!!

  10. You dimocrats have been begging for a more transparent  administration. Now you're not happy when you get one? LOL

    Seriously though... He's going after the female vote AND the conservative vote with her, but in truth I don't think she's a big enough name to draw much attention.

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