
Could KR have avoided Sutil?

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Personally, although it was a shame to see and KR was a bit of a t**t, I dont think he had any where near enough control of that car to dictate its direction let alone from crashing into the back of sutil.

I mean if you look how far back KR basically slid down from to hit sutil it was quite a distance and the car was twitching side to side.

Also please leave 'team affiliation' out of this try to make it fair, also please dont vote just to 'punish' KR for the move on sutil. I am genuinely interested in this one.




  1. What kind of question is this? Surely if he could avoid him he would have? He didn't because he was too busy trying to keep the car straight and this meant running straight into Sutil or spin off completely out of contention.

    People are mad at KR because he destroyed someone else's race and big opportunity to shine. The frustration is totally understandable but come on, Kimi lost control of his car - bad mark for him but its not like he wanted to end Sutils race.


  2. no, not in my opinion. as soon as he hit that break pedal he was doomed. Maybe if he wasn't pushing so hard, but that's the whole point of racing. Shame though, poor Adrian. I hope he gets another chance to prove himself like that.

  3. Unless Sutil had accelerated and got out of the way, there was no way Raikkonen could have avoided Sutil because there was water at the top of the hill and Kimi was on dry tyres.

    Raikkonen wouldn't have done it on purpose because he didn't benefit at all, and he wouldn't have benefited because he would have known that he would need another new front wing.

    Yours is a conspiracy theory worthy of Mohammed Al Fayed. People asked the same kind of questions about Alonso 'brake testing' Hamilton.

  4. The best thing Kimi could have done to avoid Sutil is crash.

    His recovery was one of the highlights of the season.

    He destroyed my favorite driver's race but his car's control was truly awesome.

    I didn't think one could reach such angles in an F1 car and bring it back, they're so aerodynamically sensitive.

  5. he couldnt - read my other scraps = there havebeen umpteen questions on this point

  6. No, he couldn't. Monaco is a really narrow track, so there's no where much to go.

    Kimi and Sutil were going down the slope, out of the tunnel into turn 10 (I believe it's called the Nouvelle Chicane). Kimi was on dry tyres. He got into a puddle I think and lost control of the car. He was trying really hard to slow it down and not hitting anything. Unfortunately, Sutil was just ahead of him and hadn't turned into turn 11. Otehrwise, Kimi could've avoided him by driving straight on. (There's a bit of space there)

    It was an unfotunate racing incident that's all. Neither of them would've wanted that to happen.

  7. Fair dos to Kimi if he could have avoided the bump he would have as he needed the points from finishing the race as highly as possible, once the car started snaking the rear brakes would have been making no contribution to slowing the car down and that is why his car closed in on Adrian's, which was slowing for the corner using four brakes, so quickly and made the shunt inevitable.

  8. No. Once the car got loose then there was no way that Kimi could have avoided contact with Sutil. Kimi did an excellent job just to hold it off of the barriers. DC wasn't so lucky on Thursday.

    Kimi apologized to Sutil for the incident but it was just a racing accident.

  9. yeah..being an Indian..i was absolutely heart-broken after i saw that happen...first i thought KR did it desperately to gain a position and so, points..but when i saw the replays..i was quite clear that Kimi lost his control..this belief of mine was cemented when i heard that even KR couldn't get a place for the points..i was first i thought.."he got what he did to others"... and it proved that Kimi did not do it purposely...

    but u say KR was at an avoidable distance from Adrian...i think hey must have drove into Sutil's back thinking that the jerk of the crash will bring his car back into his control and would throw Sutil out...maybe he actually had no control ove his car and all that happened was just an unofrtunate incident..

    believe me..Sutil was actually covering his head and crying in his team's pit..the commentATor said the best word for him.." INCONSOLABLE "....

  10. Ofcourse not,if you seen the acccident kimi tried to save it 3-4 times twitching back and forth.Im still puzzled as to how kimi started to spin at the exit of the tunnel

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