
Could Larry Holmes have beaten Pinklon Thomas?

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In 1984, or 1985?




  1. Along with Tim Witherspoon, Pinklon Thomas was one of the best of that group of pretenders who held portions of one title or another, during Larry Holmes' reign.  This doesn't say much for him because most of those guys were lazy and didn't train.  

    Compared to a peak Holmes,  Thomas would have been reduced from the 'fair-grade' boxer we was to a 'often miss slugger'.  Thomas really WASN'T that fast.  He did have a better jab than most of the others and beat an unmotivated Tim Witherspoon for the WBC title Larry gave up.  

    Greg Page was another with some talent but too lazy to train.  All those guys fell prey to things that would only take a stupid person down.   If you are making ANYWHERE NEAR the kind of money a top heavyweight boxer makes,  WHY use drugs?  WHY NOT train?  Holmes was a step above that bunch of guys for two reasons.   He was simply a better boxer and he lived well outside the ring.

    Prime Holmes would have kept a distance, using his superior jab, once he realized he had a slight edge in speed and could simply out-jab Thomas and wear him down.  Thomas would show marked sings of deceleration towards the middle rounds and Holmes would now begin to send more than the occasional right.  Angelo Dundee has taken Thomas as far as he can go.  The rest is up to him.  

    Post prime Holmes would have struggled to a close decision, having to keep Pinklon at bay and take a minimal amount of punishment.  However,  Prime Holmes steps up the pace and shakes the now tiring Thomas with a hard right to the jaw.  Thomas takes a step backwards and Holmes persues.  

    Larry is now sizing Pinklon up, landing stiff rights over Pinklon's weakening defense.  After seeing his fighter take enough, Dundee jumps in and stops the fight.

    Holmes by TKO in 12

  2. I honestly believe that even the Holmes who was knocked out by Tyson would have beaten Pinklon Thomas and thats even if Thomas turned up on his best day and fought the fight of his life.

  3. Yes Larry Holmes would have given Pinklon Thomas a thorough boxing lesson in my opinion.  Thomas was a fine fighter but a notch below the great Larry Holmes.

  4. 84/85 Holmes was showing signs of age.  But still was good enough to beat Pinky T.  Holmes circa 78-80 would have TKO'd him

  5. Yes, his jab would have kept Thomas at bay, Holmes would have whipped thomas. Thomas was a paper champion.

  6. thomas had angelo dundee in his corner, but still never reached his full potential (like most titleholders of the '80's), but he still would have given holmes just a tough of a fight as witherspoon did, with the same result....larry by close decision.

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