
Could MS Dhoni lose his place in the test side?

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If Dinesh Karthick does well in test series against Sri Lanka, Could Dhoni lose his place in the test side.

Moreover Karthick has a better technique than Dhoni and is a better Wicket Keeper than dhoni.

Karthick has even poened teh innings for India, showing he is a good batsmen.




  1. Well its very diifficult indeed. I think after kumble retires dhoni will also become test captain. If karthick manages to remove dhoni then it would be big achievement for him in my pint of view. But it is very difficult.

  2. Dhoni takes over  the captaincy from Anil kumble is on the cards and it is just a matter of time.

    There is no chance of the blue eyed boy loosing the place in the test side.

  3. BCCI is smitten with Dhoni. Also have to admit Dhoni is a good wicket keeper. So it will never happen as you say.He is taking India for ODI.

    Kartick will probably play in Test Cricket in future.

  4. he wont lose place

  5. Dhoni can loose his place in  test cricket only if he performs worse than Dinesh Karthik, which is quite unlikely.

  6. Looks like BCCI & selectors have fallen over for Dhoni. He'll have his place, if he is ready to play. Karthik will be there in the team (50%), but Parthiv will be ousted to accomodate Dhoni.

  7. Logically, speaking, if Dinesh Kartick continues to perform consistently throughout this test series, both in wicket keeping, as well as batting, then in the future, it may be difficult to rule him out to make place for Dhoni. I don't think Kartick is a better wicket keeper than Dhoni. According to me, both have the same standard.of wicket keeping. But Dinesh Kartick's  batting technique is a bit better than Dhoni, though he lacks aggression. He has already demonstrated his calibre in the practice match, where he played an anchoring role in his half century. I shall say that if he continues to perform well, he definitely deserves a place in the team. In that case Dhoni has only himself to blame. Afterall, it was he who brought the notion that the none has a a permanent place in the team! The same should be applied to himself.

    But the actual case is that Dhoni is the favourite of our dumb selectors, and therefore, it's unlikely that he would ever be dropped. A player whose place in the team isn't certain  couldn't have afforded to pull out of a tour. Since Dhoni has decided to skip the test series, I think he is assured enough that he can return to the team at will. As I always say, selectors are nothing but puppets in his hands. It's only a matter of time before the test captaincy is also bestowed upon Dhoni. But I feel, it will be extremely unfair if in the future Kartick is dropped only to accomodate Dhoni even after showing consistency in performance.

  8. If he goes on with his rest,I think he sure will lose his place.But I don't see Karthick is that good to take Dhoni's place...

  9. No I don't think so........................

    even if Karthik plays better than him.............coz..

    BCCI seems to support Dhoni no matter what he does.

  10. I think Dhoni will keep his place when he returns from a well-deserved break. Also, he is a better batsman compared to Dinesh Karthik.

    I agree with you that Dhoni can be found wanting at times when it comes to wicket-keeping but we haven't found a world class keeper after Syed Kirmani and I don't see anyone being talked about as the next best thing. So, when the selectors weigh between Dhoni and Karthik as wicket keepers, they are more or less the same; when it comes to batting, Dhoni is by far the better. So, the obvious choice will be Dhoni.

  11. i dont think... Dhoni has secured place in team

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